Lehrstuhl für Psychologie III

Dates & News

upcoming dates

Jan 07

Öffentliche Antrittsvorlesung - Dr. Katharina Schwarz
Die Wahrnehmung von Kontrolle - von kognitiven Grundlagen zu menschlichem Verhalten.
Dr. Katharina Schwarz

Jan 13

Gastvortrag Prof. Dr. Nadira Faber, Universität Bremen
Titel folgt
Prof. Dr. Nadira Faber

Jan 27

Gastvortrag Dr. Massimo Köster, Universität Marburg
"What if Rigid Expectations are at the Root of Behavioral Errors? An Empirical Deep 'Drive into the Goal-Directed Explanation of Action Slips and its Applied Implications"
Dr. Massimo Köster

recent news

Nov 06

Okt 02

We welcome Yanick Kloß as our new team member

Jul 03

We welcome Rouven Aust as our new team member

Apr 03

We welcome Marcel Schreiner as our new team member

Aug 22

Joachim Hoffmann, the former head of the Division of Cognitive Psychology, has sadly passed away. We are deeply afflicted. The loss is beyond words. We will hold his memory in the highest esteem. 

  • Gastvortrag Prof. Dr. Anne Schacht, Universität Göttingen - ENTFÄLLT - 16.12.2024
  • Gastvortrag Dr. Elena Benini, RWTH Aachen - 09.12.2024
  • Gastvortrag Prof. Dr. Thomas Günther, RTWH Aachen - 02.12.2024
  • Bachelor- und Masterabschlussfeier - 11.10.2024
  • Karl-Bühler-Lecture - 04.07.2024
  • We welcome Yanick Kloß as our new team member - 02.10.2023
  • We welcome Rouven Aust as our new team member - 03.07.2023
  • We welcome Marcel Schreiner as our new team member - 03.04.2023
  • Joachim Hoffmann, the former head of the Division of Cognitive Psychology, has sadly passed away. We are deeply afflicted. The loss is beyond words. We will hold his memory in the highest esteem.  - 22.08.2022
  • Moritz Reis has received a PhD scholarship by the German National Academic Foundation with additional funding from the Marianne-Plehn-Program of the Elite Network of Bavaria. Congratulations and good luck! - 23.12.2021