- Action
- ActionControl
- ActionEffects
- AdviceSeeking
- Affect
- Agency
- Animacy
- Anticipation
- AnticipatoryActions
- Applied
- Attention
- Authority
- BayesianMultilevelModelling
- BentPointing
- Binding
- Choices
- Cognition
- CognitiveCrosstalk
- CognitiveLoad
- CognitiveOffloading
- Compatibility
- ComputationalModels
- Contingency
- ContrastEffect
- Creativity
- DarkCreativity
- DecisionMaking
- Development
- Disembodiment
- Dishonesty
- Effect
- EmbodiedChoices
- Embodiment
- Emotion
- EpisodicMemory
- ErrorProcessing
- EventFile
- ExtendedCognition
- FacePerception
- FeatureBinding
- Forgetting
- GazeCueing
- Gestures
- Guessing
- HR
- HandIllusion
- HumanRobotInteraction
- IdeomotorTheory
- Inhibition
- IntentionalBinding
- Interference
- ItemResponseTheory
- Language
- LossAversion
- MachineLearning
- ManyAnalysts
- MeasurementInvariance
- Memory
- MemoryIntegration
- MereExposure
- Metacognition
- MindPerception
- Modality
- Monitoring
- MotionTracking
- MotorControl
- MotorCosts
- MotorLearning
- MultiTasking
- MultisensoryIntegration
- Multitasking
- Music
- Negation
- NeuralNetworks
- NonConformity
- ObjectManipulation
- OpenScience
- Perception
- PerceptionAndAction
- PerformanceMonitoring
- Planning
- Pointing
- PointingInterpretation
- PsychologicalMeasurement
- Reproducibility
- ResearchMethods
- Rotation
- Rules
- SceneViewing
- Self
- SocialMedia
- StatisticalModeling
- StimulusResponseLinks
- StrategyChoice
- StrategySelection
- TaskSwitching
- TechnologyUse
- TemporalBinding
- ToolUse
- Unbinding
- VR
- VideoGames
- Violation
- VisualCommunication
- VotingBehavior
- Walking
- WorkingMemory
- actionControl
- fEMG
- senseOfAgency
2024[ to top ]
Herbort, O., Raßbach, P., & Kunde, W. (2024). Where scrollbars are clicked, and why. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, 9, 23.
Foerster, A., Mocke, V., Moeller, B., & Pfister, R. (2024). Guess what? Only correct choices forge immediate stimulus--response bindings in guessing scenarios. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics.
Klaffehn, A. L., Herbort, O., & Pfister, R. (2024). The fusion point of temporal binding: Promises and perils of multisensory accounts. Cognitive Psychology, 151, 101662.
- [ DOI ]
Krause, L.-M., & Herbort, O. (2024). Perception of pointing gestures in 3D space. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 27595.
Mocke, V., Beste, C., Pastötter, B., & Kunde, W. (2024). Action plan discarding leads to unbinding of action features. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance.
Mocke, V., Giesen, C. G., Arunkumar, M., & Kunde, W. (2024). My turn or yours? Me-you-distinction in feature-based action planning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance.
Grießbach, E., Raßbach, P., Herbort, O., & Cañal-Bruland, R. (2024). Dual-tasking modulates movement speed but not value-based choices during walking. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 6342.
Grießbach, E., Raßbach, P., Herbort, O., & Cañal-Bruland, R. (2024). Dual-tasking modulates movement speed but not value-based choices during walking. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 6342-6342.
Pfister, R., Tonn, S., Schaaf, M., & Wirth, R. (2024). mousetRajectory: Mouse tracking analyses for behavioral scientists. The Quantitative Methods for Psychology, 20(3), 217-228.
Raßbach, P., Grießbach, E., Cañal-Bruland, R., & Herbort, O. (2024). State anticipation and task serialization attenuate embodied decision biases when deciding while moving. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance.
Reis, M., Foerster, A., Zettler, I., Kunde, W., & Pfister, R. (2024). Sticky tradition impedes selection of creative ideas. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 153(1), 268–273.
- [ DOI ]
Reis, M., & Kunde, W. (2024). How to overcome biases against creativity: The role of familiarity with and confidence in original solutions. Cognition, 245, 105741.
- [ DOI ]
Frings, C., Beste, C., Benini, E., Möller, M., Dignath, D., Giesen, C. G., Hommel, B., Kiesel, A., Koch, I., Kunde, W., Mayr, S., Mocke, V., Moeller, B., Münchau, A., Parmar, J., Pastötter, B., Pfister, R., Philipp, A. M., Qiu, R., … Schmalbrock, P. (2024). Consensus definitions of perception-action-integration in action control. Communications Psychology, 2, 7.
Reis, M., Pfister, R., & Kunde, W. (2024). The action-dynamics of dark creativity. Personality and Individual Differences, 221, 112564.
- [ DOI ]
Schreiner, M. R., Bröder, A., & Meiser, T. (2024). Agency effects on the binding of event elements in episodic memory. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 77(6), 1201-1220.
Reis, M., Reis, F., & Kunde, W. (2024). Influence of believed AI involvement on the perception of digital medical advice. Nature Medicine.
Vogel-Blaschka, D., Kunde, W., Herbort, O., & Scherbaum, S. (2024). Ideonamic: An integrative computational dynamic model of ideomotor learning and effect-based action control. Psychological Review, 131(1), 79–103.
- [ DOI ]
Schreiner, M. R., Feustel, S., & Kunde, W. (2024). Linking actions and memories: Probing the interplay of action-effect congruency, agency experience, and recognition memory. Memory & Cognition.
Arunkumar, M., Rothermund, K., Kunde, W., Mocke, V., & Giesen, C. G. (2024). Cling together, swing together? Assessing indirect retrieval of stimulus-response bindings for associated stimuli. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review.
Schreiner, M. R., & Kunde, W. (2024). A cautionary note against selective applications of the Bayes factor. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General.
Weis, P. P., & Kunde, W. (2024). Switching between different cognitive strategies induces switch costs as evidenced by switches between manual and mental object rotation. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 6217.
Schreiner, M. R., Quevedo Pütter, J., & Rebholz, T. R. (2024). Time for an update: Belief updating based on ambiguous scientific evidence. Zeitschrift für Psychologie Journal of Psychology.
Seubert, O., van der Wel, R., Reis, M., Pfister, R., & Schwarz, K. A. (2024). The one exception: The impact of statistical regularities on explicit sense of agency. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance.
- [ DOI ]
2023[ to top ]
Schreiner, M. R., Meiser, T., & Bröder, A. (2023). The binding structure of event elements in episodic memory and the role of animacy. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 76(4), 705-730.
Hoogeveen, S., Sarafoglou, A., Aczel, B., Aditya, Y., Alayan, A. J., Allen, P. J., Altay, S., Alzahawi, S., Amir, Y., Anthony, F.-V., Appiah, O. K., Atkinson, Q. D., Baimel, A., Balkaya-Ince, M., Balsamo, M., Banker, S., Bartoš, F., Becerra, M., Beffara, B., … Dean, K. K. (2023). A many-analysts approach to the relation between religiosity and well-being. Religion, Brain & Behavior, 13(3), 237-283.
Wirth, R., Kunde, W., & Pfister, R. (2023). Following affirmative and negated rules. Cognitive Science, 47(11), e13378.
Krause, L.-M., & Herbort, O. (2023). Just visual context or part of the gesture? The role of arm orientation in bent pointing interpretation. Acta Psychologica, 241, 104062.
Mocke, V., Benini, E., Parmar, J., Schiltenwolf, M., & Kunde, W. (2023). What is behind partial repetition costs? Event-files do not fully occupy bound feature codes. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 30, 1463–1474.
Weis, P. P., & Kunde, W. (2023). Overreliance on inefficient computer-mediated information retrieval is countermanded by strategy advice that promotes memory-mediated retrieval. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, 8(1), Article 1.
Pfister, R., Schwarz, K. A., Holzmann, P., Reis, M., Yogeeswaran, K., & Kunde, W. (2023). Headlines win elections: Mere exposure to fictitious news media alters voting behavior. PLOS ONE, 18(8), 1-14.
Schroeder, P. A., Mayer, K., Wirth, R., & Svaldi, J. (2023). Playing with temptation: Stopping abilities to chocolate are superior, but also more extensive. Appetite, 181, 106383.
Weis, P. P., & Kunde, W. (2023). Primacy Effects in Extended Cognitive Strategy Choice: Initial Speed Benefits Outweigh Later Speed Benefits. Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.
Schreiner, M. R., Mercier, B., Frick, S., Wiwad, D., Schmitt, M. C., Kelly, J. M., & Quevedo Pütter, J. (2023). Measurement issues in the many analysts religion project. Religion, Brain & Behavior, 13(3), 339-341.
Schreiner, M. R., & Meiser, T. (2023). Measuring binding effects in event-based episodic representations. Behavior Research Methods, 55, 981-996.
Reis, M., Pfister, R., & Foerster, A. (2023). Cognitive load promotes honesty. Psychological Research, 87(3), 826-844.
Schreiner, M. R., & Hütter, M. (2023). The influence of social status on memory: No evidence for effects of social status on event element binding. Social Cognition, 41(5), 447–466.
Reis, M., Pfister, R., Kunde, W., & Foerster, A. (2023). Creative thinking does not promote dishonesty. Royal Society Open Science, 10(12), Article 12.
- [ DOI ]
Reis, M., Pfister, R., & Schwarz, K. A. (2023). The value of control. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 36(4), Article 4.
- [ DOI ]
Herbort, O., & Krause, L.-M. (2023). The efficiency of augmented pointing with and without speech in a collaborative virtual environment. In V. G. Duffy (Ed.), Digital Human Modeling and Applications in Health, Safety, Ergonomics and Risk Management. HCII 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (Vols. 14028).
Schaaf, M., Wirth, R., & Kunde, W. (2023). Time expectancies in dual tasking: Evidence for proactive resource sharing?. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 49(8), 1123-1131.
Abubshait, A., Weis, P. P., Momen, A., & Wiese, E. (2023). Perceptual discrimination in the face perception of robots is attenuated compared to humans. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 16708.
Wirth, R., Tonn, S., Schaaf, M., Koch, I., & Kunde, W. (2023). Sequential adaptation to modality incompatibility. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 49(10), 1360–1376.
Grießbach, E., Raßbach, P., Herbort, O., & Ca~n}}al-Bruland, R. (2023). Embodied decision biases: individually stable across different tasks?. Experimental Brain Research, 241(4), 1053-1064.
Gregori, A., Amici, F., Brilmayer, I., Ćwiek, A., Fritzsche, L., Fuchs, S., Henlein, A., Herbort, O., Kügler, F., Lemanski, J., Liebal, K., Lücking, A., Mehler, A., Nguyen, K. T., Pouw, W., Prieto, P., Rohrer, P. L., Sánchez-Ramón, P. G., Schulte-Rüther, M., … von Eiff, C. I. (2023). A Roadmap for Technological Innovation in Multimodal Communication Research. In V. G. Duffy (Ed.), Digital Human Modeling and Applications in Health, Safety, Ergonomics and Risk Management. HCII 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Vols. 14029, pp. 402-438). Springer.
- [ DOI ]
Daria Dołżycka, J., Nikadon, J., Weis, P. P., Herbert, C., & Formanowicz, M. (2023). Linguistic and emotional responses evoked by pseudoword presentation: An EEG and behavioral study. Brain and Cognition, 168, 105973.
Ellinghaus, R., Janczyk, M., Wirth, R., Kunde, W., Fischer, R., & Liepelt, R. (2023). Opposing influences of global and local stimulus-hand proximity on crosstalk interference in dual tasks. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 76(11), 2461-2478.
Foerster, A., Pfister, R., Wirth, R., & Kunde, W. (2023). Post-execution monitoring in dishonesty. Psychological Research, 87(3), 845-861.
2022[ to top ]
Weis, P. P., Nikadon, J., Herbert, C., & Formanowicz, M. (2022). The verb--self link: An implicit association test study. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 29(5), 1946-1959.
Wiese, E., Weis, P. P., Bigman, Y., Kapsaskis, K., & Gray, K. (2022). It’s a Match: Task Assignment in Human--Robot Collaboration Depends on Mind Perception. International Journal of Social Robotics, 14(1), 141-148.
Schwarz, K. A., Klaffehn, A. L., Hauke-Forman, N., Muth, F. V., & Pfister, R. (2022). Never run a changing system: Action-effect contingency shapes prospective agency. Cognition, 229, 105250.
- [ DOI ]
Schaaf, M., Kunde, W., & Wirth, R. (2022). Monitoring goal-irrelevant effects interferes with concurrent tasks. Acta Psychologica, 224, 103522.
Schaaf, M., Kunde, W., & Wirth, R. (2022). Evidence for initially independent monitoring of responses and response effects. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 48(2), 128-138.
Reis, M., Weller, L., & Muth, F. V. (2022). To follow or not to follow: Influence of valence and consensus on the sense of agency. Consciousness and Cognition, 102, 103347.
- [ DOI ]
Mocke, V., Holzmann, P., Hommel, B., & Kunde, W. (2022). Beyond Left and Right: Binding and Retrieval of Spatial and Temporal Features of Planned Actions. Journal of Cognition, 5(1), 1-16.
Muth, F. V., Wirth, R., & Kunde, W. (2022). Temporal Binding in Multi-Step Action-Event Sequences is Driven by Altered Effect Perception. Consciousness and Cognition, 99, 103299.
Grießbach, E., Herbort, O., & Cañal-Bruland, R. (2022). Wechselwirkung von motorischen und kognitiven Prozessen in hierarchisch organisiertem Verhalten: Vol. Kognition und Motorik – Sportpsychologische Grundlagen und Anwendungen im Sport (S. Klatt & B. Strauß, Eds.; pp. 46-58). Hogrefe Verlag.
Reis, M., & Pfister, R. (2022). Being Observed Does Not Boost Rule Retrieval. Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 18(3), 173–178.
- [ DOI ]
Grießbach, E., Raßbach, P., Herbort, O., & Cañal-Bruland, R. (2022). Embodied decisions during walking. Journal of Neurophysiology, 128(5), 1207–1223.
- [ DOI ]
Weis, P. P., & Herbert, C. (2022). Do I still like myself? Human-robot collaboration entails emotional consequences. Computers in Human Behavior, 127, 107060.
2021[ to top ]
Abubshait, A., Weis, P. P., & Wiese, E. (2021). Does Context Matter? Effects of Robot Appearance and Reliability on Social Attention Differs Based on Lifelikeness of Gaze Task. International Journal of Social Robotics, 13(5), 863-876.
Grießbach, E., Incagli, F., Herbort, O., & Ca~n}}al-Bruland, R. (2021). Body dynamics of gait affect value-based decisions. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 11894.
Krause, L.-M., & Herbort, O. (2021). The observer’s perspective determines which cues are used when interpreting pointing gestures. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 47(9), 1209–1225.
- [ DOI ]
Krasich, K., Kim, J., Huffman, G., Klaffehn, A. L., & Brockmole, J. R. (2021). Does task-irrelevant music affect gaze allocation during real-world scene viewing?. Psychonomic Bulletin {\&}amp\($\mathsemicolon$\) Review, 28(6), 1944-1960.
- [ DOI ]
Klaffehn, A. L., Sellmann, F. B., Kirsch, W., Kunde, W., & Pfister, R. (2021). Temporal binding as multisensory integration: Manipulating perceptual certainty of actions and their effects. Attention, Perception, {\&}amp\($\mathsemicolon$\) Psychophysics, 83(8), 3135-3145.
- [ DOI ]
Halicki, K. T., Ingendahl, M., Mayer, M., John, M., Schreiner, M. R., & Wänke, M. (2021). From which direction does the empire strike (back)?. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 625554.
Kirsch, W., Kunde, W., & Herbort, O. (2021). Impact of proprioception on the perceived size and distance of external objects in a virtual action task. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 28(4), 1191-1201.
Raßbach, P., Grießbach, E., Cañal-Bruland, R., & Herbort, O. (2021). Deciding while moving: Cognitive interference biases value-based decisions. Acta Psychologica, 221, 103449.
- [ DOI ]
Tonn, S., Pfister, R., Klaffehn, A., Weller, L., & Schwarz, K. (2021). Two faces of temporal binding: Action- and effect-binding are not correlated. Consciousness and Cognition, 96, 103219.
- [ DOI ]
Herbort, O., Krause, L.-M., & Kunde, W. (2021). Perspective determines the production and interpretation of pointing gestures. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 28(2), 641-648.
2020[ to top ]
Herbort, O., Krause, L.-M., & Kunde, W. (2020). Perspective determines the production and interpretation of pointing gestures. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 28(2), 641–648.
Pfister, R., Klaffehn, A. L., Kalckert, A., Kunde, W., & Dignath, D. (2020). How to lose a hand: Sensory updating drives disembodiment. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 28(3), 827-833.
- [ DOI ]
Wirth, R., & Kunde, W. (2020). Feature~binding contributions to effect monitoring. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 82(6), 3144-3157.
Wirth, R., Koch, I., & Kunde, W. (2020). Localizing modality compatibility effects: Evidence from dual-task interference. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 46(12), 1527-1537.
Muth, F. V., Wirth, R., & Kunde, W. (2020). Temporal binding past the Libet clock: testing design factors for an auditory timer. Behavior Research Methods, 53(3), 1322–1341.
Mocke, V., Weller, L., Frings, C., Rothermund, K., & Kunde, W. (2020). Task relevance determines binding of effect features in action planning. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 82, 3811-3831.
Weis, P. P., & Wiese, E. (2020). Know Your Cognitive Environment! Mental Models as Crucial Determinant of Offloading Preferences. Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 64(3), 499–513.
Weis, P. P., & Wiese, E. (2020). Investing in brain-based memory leads to decreased use of technology-based memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 26(3), 465–479.
Wirth, R., Foerster, A., Kunde, W., & Pfister, R. (2020). Design choices: Empirical recommendations for designing two-dimensional finger-tracking experiments. Behavior Research Methods, 52, 2394-2416.
Dignath, D., Wirth, R., Kühnhausen, J., Gawrilow, C., Kunde, W., & Kiesel, A. (2020). Motivation drives conflict adaptation. Motivation Science, 6(1), 84-89.
Wiese, E., & Weis, P. P. (2020). It matters to me if you are human - Examining categorical perception in human and nonhuman agents. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 133, 1–12.
2019[ to top ]
Wirth, R., Kunde, W., & Pfister, R. (2019). How not to fall for the white bear: Combined frequency and recency manipulations diminish negation effects on overt behavior. Journal of Cognition, 2(1), 11.
Herbort, O., Kirsch, W., & Kunde, W. (2019). Grasp planning for object manipulation without simulation of the object manipulation action. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 45(2), 237–254.
- [ DOI ]
Foerster, A., Wirth, R., Berghoefer, F. L., Kunde, W., & Pfister, R. (2019). Capacity limitations of dishonesty. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 148(6), 943-961.
Herbort, O., & Kunde, W. (2019). Emergence of anticipatory actions in a novel task. Experimental Brain Research, 237(6), 1421-1430.
Kirsch, W., Kunde, W., & Herbort, O. (2019). Intentional binding is unrelated to action intention. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 45(3), 378–385.
- [ DOI ]
Schwarz, K., Weller, L., Klaffehn, A., & Pfister, R. (2019). The effects of action choice on temporal binding, agency ratings, and their correlation. Consciousness and Cognition, 75, 102807.
- [ DOI ]
Huestegge, L., Herbort, O., Gosch, N., Kunde, W., & Pieczykolan, A. (2019). Free-choice saccades and their underlying determinants: Explorations of high-level voluntary oculomotor control. Journal of Vision, 19(3), 14.
- [ DOI ]
Pfister, R., Wirth, R., Weller, L., Foerster, A., & Schwarz, K. A. (2019). Taking shortcuts: Cognitive conflict during motivated rule-breaking. Journal of Economic Psychology, 71, 138-147.
Herbort, O., & Kunde, W. (2019). Precise movements in awkward postures: A direct test of the precision hypothesis of the end-state comfort effect. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 45(5), 681–696.
- [ DOI ]
Klaffehn, A. L., Baess, P., Kunde, W., & Pfister, R. (2019). Sensory attenuation prevails when controlling for temporal predictability of self- and externally generated tones. Neuropsychologia, 132, 107145.
- [ DOI ]
Weis, P. P., & Wiese, E. (2019). Problem Solvers Adjust Cognitive Offloading Based on Performance Goals. Cognitive Science, 43(12), Article 12.
Dignath, D., Herbort, O., Pieczykolan, A., Huestegge, L., & Kiesel, A. (2019). Flexible coupling of covert spatial attention and motor planning based on learned spatial contingencies. Psychological Research, 83(3), 476-484.
2018[ to top ]
Wiese, E., Weis, P. P., & Lofaro, D. M. (2018). Embodied social robots trigger gaze following in real-time HRI. 2018 15th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots (UR), 477-482.
Wirth, R., Foerster, A., Rendel, H., Kunde, W., & Pfister, R. (2018). Rule-violations sensitise towards negative and authority-related stimuli. Cognition and Emotion, 32(3), 480-493.
Wirth, R., Janczyk, M., & Kunde, W. (2018). Effect monitoring in dual-task performance. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 44(4), 553-571.
Weis, P. P., & Wiese, E. (2018). Using Tools to Help Us Think: Actual but Also Believed Reliability Modulates Cognitive Offloading. Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 61(2), 243–254.
Wirth, R., Foerster, A., Herbort, O., Kunde, W., & Pfister, R. (2018). This Is How To Be a Rule Breaker. Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 14(1), 21-37.
Foerster, A., Pfister, R., Schmidts, C., Dignath, D., Wirth, R., & Kunde, W. (2018). Focused cognitive control in dishonesty: Evidence for predominantly transient conflict adaptation. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 44(4), 578-602.
Schwarz, K. A., Pfister, R., Wirth, R., & Kunde, W. (2018). Dissociating action-effect activation and effect-based response selection. Acta Psychologica, 188, 16-24.
Wirth, R., Steinhauser, R., Janczyk, M., Steinhauser, M., & Kunde, W. (2018). Long-term and short-term action-effect links and their impact on effect monitoring. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 44(8), 1186-1198.
Steinhauser, R., Wirth, R., Kunde, W., Janczyk, M., & Steinhauser, M. (2018). Common mechanisms in error monitoring and action effect monitoring. Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience, 18, 1159–1171.
Kunde, W., Wirth, R., & Janczyk, M. (2018). The role of feedback delay in dual-task performance. Psychological Research, 82(1), 157-166.
Klaffehn, A. L., Schwarz, K. A., Kunde, W., & Pfister, R. (2018). Similar Task-Switching Performance of Real-Time Strategy and First-Person Shooter Players: Implications for Cognitive Training. Journal of Cognitive Enhancement, 2(3), 240-258.
- [ DOI ]
Herbort, O., Büschelberger, J., & Janczyk, M. (2018). Preschool children adapt grasping movements to upcoming object manipulations: Evidence from a dial rotation task. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 167, 62–77.
- [ DOI ]
Herbort, O., & Kunde, W. (2018). How to point and to interpret pointing gestures? Instructions can reduce pointer--observer misunderstandings. Psychological Research, 82(2), 395-406.
2017[ to top ]
Kirsch, W., Herbort, O., Ullrich, B., & Kunde, W. (2017). On the origin of body-related influences on visual perception. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 43(6), 1222–1237.
- [ DOI ]
Kunde, W., Schmidts, C., Wirth, R., & Herbort, O. (2017). Action effects are coded as transitions from current to future stimulation: Evidence from compatibility effects in tracking. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 43(3), 477-486.
Janczyk, M., Büschelberger, J., & Herbort, O. (2017). Larger between-task crosstalk in children than in adults: Behavioral results from the backward crosstalk paradigm and a diffusion model analysis. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 155, 95–112.
- [ DOI ]
Kunde, W., Schmidts, C., Wirth, R., & Herbort, O. (2017). Action effects are coded as transitions from current to future stimulation: Evidence from compatibility effects in tracking. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 43(3), 477–486.
- [ DOI ]
Weis, P. P., & Herbert, C. (2017). Bodily Reactions to Emotional Words Referring to Own versus Other People’s Emotions. Frontiers in Psychology, 8(1277), Article 1277.
Weis, P. P., & Wiese, E. (2017). Cognitive Conflict as Possible Origin of the Uncanny Valley. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 61(1), 1599–1603.
Mathew, H., Kunde, W., & Herbort, O. (2017). Inverting the planning gradient: adjustment of grasps to late segments of multi-step object manipulations. Experimental Brain Research, 235(5), 1397-1409.
Robert Wirth, W. K. (2017). Consequences of bending and breaking the rules (p. Online-Ressource) [Universität Würzburg].
Jusyte, A., Pfister, R., Mayer, S. V., Schwarz, K. A., Wirth, R., Kunde, W., & Schönenberg, M. (2017). Smooth criminal: convicted rule-breakers show reduced cognitive conflict during deliberate rule violations. Psychological Research, 81(5), 939-946.
Herbort, O., Mathew, H., & Kunde, W. (2017). Habit outweighs planning in grasp selection for object manipulation. Cognitive Psychology, 92, 127–140.
- [ DOI ]
Foerster, A., Wirth, R., Herbort, O., Kunde, W., & Pfister, R. (2017). Lying upside-down: Alibis reverse cognitive burdens of dishonesty. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 23(3), 301-319.
Foerster, A., Wirth, R., Herbort, O., Kunde, W., & Pfister, R. (2017). Lying Upside-Down: Alibis Reverse Cognitive Burdens of Dishonesty. JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY-APPLIED, 23(3), 301-319.
- [ Abstract ]
Foerster, A., Wirth, R., Kunde, W., & Pfister, R. (2017). The dishonest mind set in sequence. Psychological Research, 81(4), 878-899.
Pfister, R., Schwarz, K. A., Wirth, R., & Lindner, I. (2017). My Command, My Act: Observation Inflation in Face-To-Face Interactions. Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 13(2), 166-176.
2016[ to top ]
Wirth, R., Dignath, D., Pfister, R., Kunde, W., & Eder, A. B. (2016). Attracted by rewards: Disentangling the motivational influence of rewarding and punishing targets and distractors. Motivation Science, 2(3), 143-156.
Wirth, R., Pfister, R., Brandes, J., & Kunde, W. (2016). Stroking me softly: Body-related effects in effect-based action control. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 78(6), 1755-1770.
Wirth, R., Pfister, R., Foerster, A., Huestegge, L., & Kunde, W. (2016). Pushing the rules: effects and aftereffects of deliberate rule violations. Psychological Research, 80(5), 838-852.
Pfister, R., Wirth, R., Schwarz, K. A., Foerster, A., Steinhauser, M., & Kunde, W. (2016). The electrophysiological signature of deliberate rule violations. Psychophysiology, 53(12), 1870-1877.
Wirth, R., Pfister, R., & Kunde, W. (2016). Asymmetric transfer effects between cognitive and affective task disturbances. Cognition and Emotion, 30(3), 399-416.
Herbort, O., & Kunde, W. (2016). Spatial (mis-)interpretation of pointing gestures to distal referents. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 42(1), 78–89.
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Pfister, R., Wirth, R., Schwarz, K. A., Steinhauser, M., & Kunde, W. (2016). Burdens of non-conformity: Motor execution reveals cognitive conflict during deliberate rule violations. Cognition, 147, 93-99.
Feld, G. B., Weis, P. P., & Born, J. (2016). The Limited Capacity of Sleep-Dependent Memory Consolidation. Frontiers in Psychology, 7(1368), Article 1368.
2015[ to top ]
Belardinelli, A., Herbort, O., & Butz, M. V. (2015). Goal-oriented gaze strategies afforded by object interaction. Vision Research, 106, 47–57.
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Herbort, O., & Butz, M. V. (2015). Planning grasps for object manipulation: integrating internal preferences and external constraints. Cognitive Processing, 16(1), 249-253.
Wirth, R., Pfister, R., Janczyk, M., & Kunde, W. (2015). Through the portal: Effect anticipation in the central bottleneck. Acta Psychologica, 160, 141-151.
Herbort, O. (2015). Too much anticipation? Large anticipatory adjustments of grasping movements to minimal object manipulations. Human Movement Science, 42, 100–116.
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2014[ to top ]
Herbort, O. (2014). Intelligente Bewegungen: Wie vorausschauendes Verhalten alltägliche Bewegungen einfacher macht. The Inquisitive Mind, 2.
Pfister, R., Foerster, A., Schwarz, K., & Wirth, R. (2014). Lässt sich ein guter Hochstapler als solcher entlarven? Wenn ja: Wie? (W. Schwanebeck, Ed.; pp. 63-72). Neofelis.
Schwanebeck, W., Wierschem, M., Spieler, S., Pfister, R., Foerster, A., Schwarz, K., Wirth, R., Stopczynski, L., Veelen, S., Herrmann, A., Lempp, F., Funk, J., Thede, S., Stricker, B., & Prorombka, S. (2014). Über Hochstapelei. Perspektiven auf eine kulturelle Praxis. In W. Schwanebeck (Ed.), Über Hochstapelei. Perspektiven auf eine kulturelle Praxis (p. 226). Neofelis.
Herbort, O., & Rosenbaum, D. A. (2014). What is chosen first, the hand used for reaching or the target that is reached?. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 21(1), 170-177.
Herbort, O., Rosenbaum, D., van der Wel, R., & Weiss, D. (2014). What’s in a Grasp?. American Scientist, 102(5), 366.
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Herbort, O., Butz, M. V., & Kunde, W. (2014). The contribution of cognitive, kinematic, and dynamic factors to anticipatory grasp selection. Experimental Brain Research, 232(6), 1677-1688.
Pfister, R., Janczyk, M., Wirth, R., Dignath, D., & Kunde, W. (2014). Thinking with portals: Revisiting kinematic cues to intention. Cognition, 133(2), 464-473.
2013[ to top ]
Herbort, O. (2013). Optimal versus heuristic planning of object manipulations: A review and a computational model of the continuous end-state comfort effect. New Ideas in Psychology, 31(3), 291-301.
Lohmann, J., Herbort, O., & Butz, M. (2013). Modeling the temporal dynamics of visual working memory. Cognitive Systems Research, 24, 80–86.
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Ehrenfeld, S., Herbort, O., & Butz, M. V. (2013). Modular, Multimodal Arm Control Models. In G. Baldassarre & M. Mirolli (Eds.), Computational and Robotic Models of the Hierarchical Organization of Behavior (pp. 129-154). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Sigaud, O., Butz, M., Pezzulo, G., & Herbort, O. (2013). The anticipatory construction of reality as a central concern for psychology and robotics. New Ideas in Psychology, 31(3), 217–220.
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Ehrenfeld, S., Herbort, O., & Butz, M. (2013). Modular neuron-based body estimation: maintaining consistency over different limbs, modalities, and frames of reference. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 7.
2012[ to top ]
Herbort, O., Koning, A., van Uem, J., & G. J. Meulenbroek, R. (2012). The end-state comfort effect facilitates joint action. Acta Psychologica, 139(3), 404–416.
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Herbort, O., & Butz, M. V. (2012). Too Good to be True? Ideomotor Theory from a Computational Perspective. Frontiers in Psychology, 3.
Kirsch, W., Herbort, O., Butz, M. V., & Kunde, W. (2012). Influence of Motor Planning on Distance Perception within the Peripersonal Space. PLOS ONE, 7(4), 1-9.
Herbort, O., & Butz, M. V. (2012). The continuous end-state comfort effect: weighted integration of multiple biases. Psychological Research, 76(3), 345-363.
Herbort, O. (2012). Where to Grasp a Tool? Task-Dependent Adjustments of Tool Transformations by Tool Users. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 220(1), 37–43.
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2011[ to top ]
Herbort, O., & Butz, M. V. (2011). Habitual and goal-directed factors in (everyday) object handling. Experimental Brain Research, 213(4), 371-382.
2010[ to top ]
Herbort, O., Butz, M. V., & Pedersen, G. (2010). The SURE_REACH Model for Motor Learning and Control of a Redundant Arm: From Modeling Human Behavior to Applications in Robotics. In O. Sigaud & J. Peters (Eds.), From Motor Learning to Interaction Learning in Robots (pp. 85-106). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Butz, M. V., Thomaschke, R., Linhardt, M. J., & Herbort, O. (2010). Remapping motion across modalities: tactile rotations influence visual motion judgments. Experimental Brain Research, 207(1), 1-11.
Herbort, O., & Butz, M. V. (2010). Planning and control of hand orientation in grasping movements. Experimental Brain Research, 202(4), 867-878.
2009[ to top ]
Lohmann, J., Herbort, O., Wagener, A., & Kiesel, A. (2009). Anticipation of Time Spans: New Data from the Foreperiod Paradigm and the Adaptation of a Computational Model. In G. Pezzulo, M. V. Butz, O. Sigaud, & G. Baldassarre (Eds.), Anticipatory Behavior in Adaptive Learning Systems (pp. 170-187). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
- [ Abstract ]
Herbort, O., & Butz, M. V. (2009). Anticipatory Planning of Sequential Hand and Finger Movements. Journal of Motor Behavior, 41(6), 561-569.
- [ DOI ]
2008[ to top ]
Butz, M. V., Herbort, O., & Pezzulo, G. (2008). Anticipatory, Goal-Directed Behavior. In G. Pezzulo, M. V. Butz, C. Castelfranchi, & R. Falcone (Eds.), The Challenge of Anticipation: A Unifying Framework for the Analysis and Design of Artificial Cognitive Systems (pp. 85-113). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Herbort, O., Butz, M. V., & Hoffmann, J. (2008). Multimodal Goal Representations and Feedback in Hierarchical Motor Control. Proceedings of the International Conference on Cognitive Systems 2008.
Butz, M. V., & Herbort, O. (2008). Context-dependent predictions and cognitive arm control with XCSF. Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, 1357–1364.
Butz, M. V., Reif, K. L., & Herbort, O. (2008). Bridging the Gap: Learning Sensorimotor-Linked Population Codes for Planning and Motor Control. Proceedings of the International Conference on Cognitive Systems 2008.
2007[ to top ]
Butz, M. V., Lenhard, A., & Herbort, O. (2007). Emergent Effector-Independent Internal Spaces: Adaptation and Intermanual Learning Transfer in Humans and Neural Networks. 2007 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 1970-1975.
Herbort, O., Ognibene, D., Butz, M. V., & Baldassarre, G. (2007). Learning to select targets within targets in reaching tasks. 2007 IEEE 6th International Conference on Development and Learning, 7-12.
Butz, M. V., Herbort, O., & Hoffmann, J. (2007). Exploiting redundancy for flexible behavior: Unsupervised learning in a modular sensorimotor control architecture. Psychological Review, 114(4), 1015–1046.
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Hoffmann, J., Butz, M. V., Herbort, O., Kiesel, A., & Lenhard, A. (2007). Spekulationen zur Strukturideo-motorischer Beziehungen. Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie, 14(3), 95–103.
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Herbort, O., & Butz, M. V. (2007). Encoding Complete Body Models Enables Task Dependent Optimal Behavior. 2007 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 1639-1644.
2005[ to top ]
Herbort, O., Butz, M. V., & Hoffmann, J. (2005). Towards an Adaptive Hierarchical Anticipatory Behavior Control System. In C. Castelfranchi, C. Balkenius, M. V. Butz, & A. Ortony (Eds.), From reactive to anticipatory cognitive embodied systems: Papers from the AAAI fall symposium (pp. 83-90). AAAI Press.
Oertel, K., Schultz, R., Blech, M., Herbort, O., Voskamp, J., & Urban, B. (2005). EmoTetris for recognition of affective states. International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI International) 2005.
Herbort, O., Butz, M. V., & Hoffmann, J. (2005). Towards the Advantages of Hierarchical Anticipatory Behavioral Control. In K. Opwis & I.-K. Penner (Eds.), Proceedings of the KogWis05. The German Cognitive Science Conference (pp. 77-82). Schwabe.