Deutsch Intern
    Department of Psychology V - Workgroup Hewig


    Bachelorthesis / Masterthesis:

    At the chair of Prof. Dr. Johannes Hewig, master thesises or bachelor thesises below are still available and may be suitable for group work. Please ask the advisor for further information:

    Hewig: Interindividuell differences in feedback processing.

    Hewig: Interindividuell differences and psychophysiological bases of human choice behaviour.

    Hewig: Social choice in ultimatum game: The influence of emotion and variables of differential psychology.

    Hewig: Frontal brain activity and the relation with personality and motivation.

    Paelecke: Interpersonal decision making (cooperation, trust, trustworthiness).

    Paelecke: Influence of affective and motivational states on Cognitive Scope.

    Paelecke: Influence of state und trait anger on visual attention.

    Paelecke: Stimulus processing, cognitive control and decision making in the context of accentuated personality traits.

    Paelecke: Stimulating influence of transcranial direct-current stimulation on cognitive functions.

    Rodrigues: Frontal asymmetry in a virtual T-maze (approach-avoidance and defensive aggression).

    Rodrigues: Elektrophysiological marker in economic games, moderated by personality traits and state inductions.

    Anyone who is interested in writing a thesis and would like to get to know the team is cordially invited to take part in the seminar for theses on the first event of the semester! 
    This takes place on Wednesdays from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. in seminar room 02.003 at Pleicherwall 1.