Prof. Dr. Johannes Hewig

Prof. Dr. Johannes Hewig
Phone | +49 931 31-82463 |
Fax | +49 931 31-82425 | | |
Room | 02.016, 2nd floor, Pleicherwall 1 |
Office hours | only after advance notification |
Educational History
2012 | Second position on list of calling for W3-Professur of differential psychology, personality psychology and diagnostics at Institut for psychology at Münster Univerity. |
2010 | Calling for W2-Professur of differential psychology, personality psychology and diagnostics at University of Potsdam |
since 2010 | Professor of Psychology (W2) at University of Würzburg |
2010 | Calling for Professur of Psychology (differential psychology and diagnostics) an at University of Würzburg (first position on calling-list) |
2010 | Schumpeter-Fellowship of VW-Foundation |
2009 | Certificate of educational competence (venia legendi) for psychology from Institute of social and behavioural sciences at Friedrich - Schiller University Jena. |
2008 | Second position on list of calling for W2-Professur biological personalitity psychology at Georg-Elias-Müller-Institut of Psychology at University of Göttingen |
2007 | Visiting professorship (W2-Professur) of differential psychology, personality psychology and diagnostics at University of Trier |
2005 | Young Researchers´Award of german socyiety for psychophysiology and applications |
2004 - 2010 | Research assistant at Institute of biological and clinical psychology at University of Jena |
2004 | Ph.D. (Dr. rer. nat.) in psychology at University of Trier |
2002 | Research assistant at Institute of psychophysiology , personality Research and methodology at University of Trier |
2001 | Research assistant at Research Center of psychobiology and psychosomatics at University of Trier |
1995 - 2000 | Studies of psychology (diploma) at University of Trier |
Research Intrests
- Theory of reinforcement learning via error- and feedback negativity
Studies on this topic are investigating decisions, especially in regards of reinforcing and punishing consequences of decisions. A special intrest lies on affective reaction on different levels (behavioural, cortical, measured via EEG, fMRI or skin conductance) to predict upcoming decisions. - frontal asymmetry and motivation
First and foremost, my intrests lie in the interaction of personality and differences of cortial activations. On that point, personality traits like extraversion (Eysenk), impulsiveness and anxiety (Gray), sensation seeking (Zuckerman) or positive and negative affective stile (Davidson) are measured. Furthermore, the relevant affective motivational constructs like arousal, reinforcement, punishment, approach, avoidance, positive and negative affect are operationalized in experiments, to get a better understandig of the interaction of personality and brain activation. - Induction of emotions and interindividual differences in affective responsiveness
The priority is the induction of basic emotions via emotional film clips. Individual differences to these stimuli are measured on different levels via subjecitve ratings, cortiacal measures like fMRI or ERPs and spontanious EEG, as well as with skin conductance and heart rate variability. - Influence of emotions and motivation on attentional processes in healty and clinical groups.
Studies on this topic were about the interaction of basal attentional processing and diffent motivational states or the influence of phobia on information processing, e.g. in attentional blink paradigm, or eyetracking studies about the influence of sex as well as studies about the influence of the propensity for eating disorders on the attentional focus.
Weblinks | Publications - PD Dr. rer. nat. Johannes S. Hewig (Jena University)
ResearchGate Johannes Hewig on ResearchGate Johannes Hewig on Google Scholar: |