Deutsch Intern
    Research Group Emotion and Behaviour

    The basics of emotional behavior

    The basics of emotional behavior


    In our reserach project we focus on the flexibility of the link between evaluative processes and emotional behavior. In oor previous reserach project we focused on the distinction of associative and deliberative processes in the elicitation of emotions. In the current research project we are interested in efferent processes, that is associative and deliberative processes in the elicitation of emotional behavior.  New models in cognitive psychology (Lavender & Hommel, 2007) suggest that emotional expressions are guided by anticipations. Derived from the Reflectiv-Impulsiv Model (RIM, Strack & Deutsch, 2004) however, we suggest that emotional behavior does not necesarily hinge on anticipations. Instead, we suggest that emotional responses can be triggered by associative processes.