Deutsch Intern
Department of Psychology I - Experimental Clinical Psychology


Course Overview


Biological Psychology (Bachelor)
Experimental Clinical Psychology (Master)

For further information see WueStudy

Translational Neuroscience

Lecture and Seminar Biological Psychology (summer term)


Methods in Neuroscience

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Summersemester 2024

Lecture Introduction to Biopsychology I (M. Gamer)
Seminar Biopsychology (M. Reutter, E. Tavacioglu, J. Teigeler)
Prevention and rehabilitation across the lifespan (M. Reutter)

Evidence-based psychotherapeutic methods 2 (Y. Paelecke-Habermann, Y. Stegmann)
Psychological Research: Clinical Neuroscience (Y. Stegmann)

Lecture Biological Psychology - Master Translational Neuroscience (M. Gamer)
Seminar Biological Psychology - Master Translational Neuroscience (A. Merscher)

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Bachelor's and Master's Theses

We regularly supervise bachelor's and master's theses on the following topics:

  • Social perception and attention
  • Social processing dysfunctions in mental disorders
  • Emotional modulation of attention and memory
  • Forensic psychophysiology and credibility assessment
  • Fear and anxiety
  • Virtual reality research methods

If you are interested in joining our group for a bachelor's or master's thesis, please get in touch.

Guidelines for bachelor's and master's theses can be downloaded here (only available in German).

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