Prof. Dr. Gerhard Reese
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Reese
Professor of Environmenal Psychology, University of Koblenz-Landau
Research Interests:
- Social norms
- Social identity and environmental identity
- Environmental justice
- Solidarity
- Perception and reactions to social inequality
Publications about Social Inequality:
Renger, D., & Reese, G. (2017). From equality-based respect to environmental activism: Antecedents and consequences of global identity. Political Psychology, 38, 867-879. | |
Bruckmüller, S., Reese, G., & Martiny, S. E. (2017). Is higher inequality less legitimate? Depends on how you frame it. British Journal of Social Psychology, 56 (4), 766–781. doi:10.1111/bjso.12202 | |
Rosenmann, A., Reese, G., & Cameron, J. (2016). Social identities in a globalized world: Challenges and opportunities for collective action. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 11, 202-221. | |
Thomas, E., McGarty, C., Reese, G., Berndsen, M., & Bliuc, A.-M. (2016). Where there’s a (collective) will, there are (effective) ways: Integrating individual and group-level factors in explaining humanitarian collective action. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 42, 1678-1692. | |
Reese, G., Berthold, A., & Steffens, M. C. (2016). As high as it gets: Ingroup projection processes in the superordinate group humans. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 50, 39-49. | |
Reese, G. (2016). Common human identity and the path to global climate justice. Climatic Change, 134, 521-531 | |
Reese, G., Proch, J., & Finn, C. (2015). Identification with all humanity: The role of self-definition and self-investment. European Journal of Social Psychology, 45, 426-440. | |
Reese, G. & Kohlmann, F. (2015). Feeling global, acting ethically: Global identification and Fairtrade consumption. The Journal of Social Psychology, 155, 98-106. | |
Reese, G., Proch, J., & Cohrs, J. C. (2014). Individual Differences in Responses to Global Inequality. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, 14, 217-238. | |
Reese, G., Berthold, A., & Steffens, M. C. (2012). We are the world – and they are not: Prototypicality for the world community, legitimacy, and responses to global inequality. Political Psychology, 33, 683-700. |