Prof. Dr. Thomas Kessler
Prof. Dr. Thomas Kessler
Professor of Social Psychology, University of Jena
Research Interests:
- Minimal and maximal standards for the evaluation of outgroup
- Acculturation and intergroup relations
- Evolution of authoritarian processes
Publications about Social Inequality:
Maaitah, W., Harth, N.S., & Kessler, T. (in press). Wie Wasser und Öl, wir mischen uns nicht: Eine Sozialpsychologische Analyse Sozialer Diskriminierung anhand Aussagen geflüchteter Menschen in Deutschland. Beiträge zur angewandten Psychologie. Peter Lang. | |
Harth, N.S., Kessler, T., Siem, B., & Becker, J. (in preperation). Solidarity in social inequality: the role of social versus achievement norms. | |
Martiny, S. E., & Kessler, T. (2014). Managing one’s social identity: Successful and unsuccessful identity management. European Journal of Social Psychology, 44, 748-757. | |
Harth, N.S., Leach, C.W., & Kessler, T. (2013). Guilt, anger, and pride about in-group environmental behaviour: Different emotions predict distinct intentions. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 34, 18-26. | |
Fritsche, I., Jonas, E., & Kessler, T. (2011). Collective reactions to threat: Implications for intergroup conflict and solving societal crises. Social Issues and Policy Review, 5, 101-136. | |
Kessler, T. & Harth, N.S. (2009). Change in intergroup relations: Psychological processes accompanying, determining, and determined by social change. In S. Otten, T. Kessler, & K. Sassenberg (Eds., pp. 243-262), Intergroup relations: The role of motivation and emotion. New York: Psychology | |
Kessler, T., & Harth, N.S. (2008). Die Theorie der Relativen Deprivation. In L.- E. Petersen & B. Six (Eds.), Stereotype, Vorurteile und soziale Diskriminierung. Theorien, Befunde und Interventionen (pp. 249-258). Beltz-Verlag: Weinheim, Basel. | |
Harth, N.S., Kessler, T., & Leach, C.W. (2008). Advantaged Group’s Emotional Reactions to Intergroup Inequality: The Dynamics of Pride, Guilt, and Sympathy. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 34, 115-129. | |
Kessler, T. & Mummendey, A. (2002). Sequential or parallel processes? A longitudinal field study concerning determinants of identity management strategies. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 82, 75-88. | |
Kessler, T. & Mummendey, A. (2001). Is there any scapegoat around? Determinants of intergroup conflict at different categorization levels. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 81, 1090-1102. | |
Kessler, T., Mummendey, A. & Leisse, U.-K. (2000). The Personal-Group Discrepancy: Is there a common information basis of personal and group judgment? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 79, 95-109. |