Deutsch Intern
    Department of Psychology I - Intervention Psychology

    Kleih-Dahms Sonja, Dr.

    PD Dr. habil. Sonja Kleih-Dahms

    Phone +49 931 31-86981
    Fax +49 931 31-82424
    Room 303
    consultation by arrangement


    Curriculum Vitae

    01/2025 Appointment as Privatdozent (PD)  
    11/2024 Habilitation in Psychology  

    Listing as Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapist with a Doctoral number in the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians Bavaria, Munich, Germany

    02/2023 Acknowledgement as a Systemic Family Therapist by the Bavarian Psychotherapy Chamber, Munich, Germany  
    10/2022 State Certification as Psychological Psychotherapist (Cognitive Behavior Therapy)  
    12/2021-08/2023 Interim Professor for Intervention Psychology and Psychotherapy  
    11/2017-10/2019 Steering-Committee member of the German Association for Biofeedback DGBfb  e.V.  
    since 04/2017 Psychological Therapist in training at the Würzburger Hochschulambulanz, University of Würzburg  
    05/2013- 12/2017 Systemic Family therapist training, Würzburger Institut für Systemisches Denken und Handeln (accredited Education Institute DGSF), Würzburg (Germany)  
    02/2017- 04/2017 Psychologist at the Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychtherapy at the University Clinic of Würzburg (University Clinic Würzburg, Prof. Deckert)  
    11/2015- 02/2017 SCIENTIA Qualification Coaching for PostDocs  
    since 08/2015 Psychologist at the neurogerontopsychiatric Clinic in Würzburg (University Clinic Würzburg, Prof. Deckert)  
    since 09/2015 Psychotherapist training (behavior therapy) at the WAPP Institute, Institute for Psychology, University of Würzburg, Germany  
     11/2014 Certification as Neurofeedback therapist, German Association for Biofeedback, Hamburg (Germany)  
    11/2014 Certification as Biofeedback therapist, German Association for Biofeedback, Hamburg (Germany)  
    06/2014- 09/2015 Counselor for Career Planning, University of Würzburg, Institute of Educational Psychology (Prof. Wolfgang Schneider), Würzburg (Germany)  
    since 02/2013 PostDoctoral Fellow
    Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Department for Intervention Psychology (Prof. Andrea Kübler), Würzburg (Germany)
    01/2013 PhD Graduation, Graduate School of Neural and Behavioral Sciences, International Max Planck Research School, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany,
    Thesis title: The Effect of Motivation on Brain-Computer Interface Performance, summa cum laude, Supervisors: Prof. A. Kübler and Prof. M. Hautzinger
    05/2010 - 01/2013 PhD student at the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Department for Intervention Psychology (Prof. Andrea Kübler), Würzburg (Germany) in the EU projects  DECODER (Deployment of Brain-Computer Interfaces for the Detection of Consciousness in Non-Responsive Patients, coordination: Prof. A. Kübler, University of Würzburg, Germany) and CONTRAST (Cognitive Enhancement Training for Successful Rehabilitation After Stroke, coordination: Prof. A. Kübler, University of Würzburg, Gemany)  
    02/2010 - 04-2010 PhD student at the Neuroelectrical Imaging and BCI Laboratory (NEILab), Fondazione Santa Lucia (Dr. Donatella Mattia), Rome (Italy)  
    10/2008 - 04/2010 PhD student at the Institute for Medical Psychology and Behavioral Neurobiology, Eberhard-Karls University Tübingen, Germany (Prof. N. Birbaumer) in the EU project TOBI (Tools for Brain-Computer Interaction, coordination: Prof. J. del R. Millan, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland)  
    01/2009- 01/2013 PhD studies at the Graduate School of Neural and Behavioral Sciences, International Max Planck Research School, Eberhard-Karls University Tübingen, Germany  
    05/2009 - 07/2009 PhD student at the Cyclotron Research Center, Coma Science Group, Liege University, (Dr. Steven Laureys), Liege (Belgium)  
    07/2008 Master thesis: "The influence of motivation on the P300 amplitude" (Supervisors: Prof. Andrea Kübler and Prof. Martin Hautzinger)  
    03/2006- 09/2006 Rehabilitation assistant, Crotched Mountain Foundation, Greenfield, NH, USA  
    10/2006 - 10/2008 Neuropsychologist, part-time, at the Neuropsychological Department Fachkliniken Hohenurach, Bad Urach (Germany)  
    10/2002 - 04/2008 Master studies in Psychology, Eberhard-Karls University Tübingen, Germany  

    Reviewer Activity

    Clinical Neurophysiologiy (Elsevier), Cognitive Neurodynamics (Springer), Frontiers in Human Neuroscience (open acces), Interacting with Computers (ScholarOne Oxford University Press), Journal of Neural Engineering (IOP Science), PLoS One (open access), Physical Sensors (MDPI open acces), Psychophysiology (Wiley), Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, Brain-Computer Interfaces (Taylor and Francis) , Applied Sciences (Open access), Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (IEEE), Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation (BioMed Central), Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine (Elsevier), Interacting with Computers (Oxford Journals), Journal of Medical Systems (Springer)

    Research Interests

    • Aphasia and attention deficits after stroke
    • Brain-Computer Interfaces for rehabilitation after stroke
    • Psychological Theories in BCI research
    • BCIs as a diagnostic tool for Systemic Family Therapy
    • Mindfulness based Therapy in people with Fibromyalgia
    • Freezing in people with Parkinson's disease
    • Systemic therapy in people with Parkinson's disease
    • Psychological consequences of stroke
    • The role of motivation in BCI use
    • Psychological predictors of BCI communication

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    Award for Best Seminar in the field of Psychology by the Student Counsil, Julius-
    Maximilians-University Würzburg, Germany

    Performance Appreciation Acknowledgement, Julius-Maximilians-University Würzburg,


    Prize for Outstanding Methodological Competence and Didactics in Teaching, Faculty of
    Human Sciences, Julius-Maximilians-University Würzburg, Germany


    Performance Appreciation Acknowledgement, Julius-Maximilians-University Würzburg,


    Poster Prize, German Association for Behavior Medicine, Vienna, Austria


    Performance Appreciation Acknowledgement, Julius-Maximilians-University Würzburg,