Deutsch Intern
    Department of Psychology I - Intervention Psychology

    Kübler Andrea, Prof. Dr.

    Prof. Dr. Andrea Kübler

    Diplom-Biologin, Diplom-Psychologin, Dr. rer. nat. (Biologie), Prof. (Psychologie)

    Phone +49 931 31-80179
    Fax +49 931 31-87059
    Room 302
    Office hours by appointment

    Andrea Kübler is ranked 21st (out of 402) of the top scientists in the field of psychology 2024 in Germany, a leading academic platform for researchers, has just published the 2024 edition of its ranking of the world's top 1000 female researchers in psychology.

    Prof. Dr. Andrea Kübler is ranked 21st in Germany (out of 402) and 747th worldwide (out of 1000).

    Here you can find more information and the complete ranking list worldwide

    (The ranking list includes all genders)

    Andrea Kübler is ranked 37th (from 100) among the top female scientists 2022 in Germany

    Andrea Kübler is ranked 37th among the top female scientists 2022 in Germany, a leading academic platform for researchers, has just published the 2022 edition of our ranking of the 1000 best female scientists in the world.

    Prof. Dr. Andrea Kübler is ranked 37th (from 100) in Germany and 904th (from 1000) worldwide.

    Here  you can find more information, as well as the complete ranking for Germany  and worldwide.

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    Academic Degrees

    1990 Diploma (Dipl.-Biol.) (University of Tübingen)
    Topic of diploma thesis: Investigation of carbohydrate distribution in the laminar joint and other leaf tissues of Phaseolus coccineus L. during circadian leaf movement in diurnal light-dark alternation. (Supervisor: Prof. Hampp)
    2000 Doctor of Natural Sciences in Biology (University of Tübingen).
    Dissertation topic: Brain-computer communication - development of a brain-computer interface for locked-in patients based on psychophysiological self-regulation training of slow cortical potentials. (SCP).  (Supervisor: Prof. Ammermann und Prof. Birbaumer)
    2001 Diploma (Dipl-Psych.) (University of Tübingen).
    Topic of diploma thesis: Development of a questionnaire to measure the severity of depressive symptoms in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. (Supervisors: Prof. Hautzinger and Prof. Birbaumer)
    2005 Habilitation at the Faculty of Information and Cognitive Sciences - venia legendi for the subject Psychology
    Topic: Brain-Computer Interfaces - the key for the conscious brain locked into a paralysed body.
    Topic of the habilitation lecture: Student course evaluation - what does a number tell us about the teaching quality of a lecturer? (Supervisors: Prof. Hautzinger and Prof. Birbaumer)


    1983 - 1986 Study of biology (diploma) at the University of Stuttgart
    1986 - 1987 Studied biology at the Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg
    1987 - 1990 Study of biology at the Eberhard Karls University Tübingen
    1988 - 1991 Auxiliary scientific assistant at the Institute for Physiological Ecology of Plants at the University of Tübingen
    1991 - 1995 Editor (traineeship and freelance work) for the publishing houses Franckh-Kosmos and Ulmer, Stuttgart
    1992 - 1995 Managing director of the district association of a political party in the state capital Stuttgart
    1996 - 2000 Doctorate at the Institute of Medical Psychology and Behavioral Neurobiology at the University of Tübingen
    1997 - 2000 Research associate at the Institute of Medical Psychology and Behavioral Neurobiology, University of Tübingen, Germany
    1996 - 2001 Study of psychology at the Psychological Institute of the University of Tübingen
    2000 Research associate at the Institute of Medical Psychology and Behavioral Neurobiology, University of Tübingen, Germany
    2000 - 2007 Research Assistant (C1) at the Institute of Medical Psychology and Behavioral Neurobiology, University of Tübingen (on leave from 1.11.2001 - 31.10.2003)
    seit 2008 Professorship for Intervention Psychology at the Department of Psychology I - Biological and Clinical Psychology, University of Würzburg

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    Participation in Committees

    since 10/23 Dean of the Faculty of Human Sciences
    10/07 - 02/08 Member of the Ethics Committee of the Department of Psychology, School of Human and Life Sciences, Roehampton University, London
    02/08 - 09/08 Vice-Chair of the Ethics Committee of the Department of Psychology, School of Human and Life Sciences, Roehampton University, London
    since 2008 Member of the Advisory Board of the Interfaculty Centre for Addiction Research, University of Würzburg
    01/09 - 09/15 Deputy Women's Representative of the Faculty of Philosophy II / Faculty of Human Sciences, University of Würzburg
    since 2009 Member of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Philosophy II / Faculty of Human Sciences, University of Würzburg
    since 2009 Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Italian Society for Locked-in Syndrome
    2010 - 06/13 Deputy Chair of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Addiction Research at the University of Würzburg
    2011 - 2013 Member of the Equal Opportunities Advisory Board of the University of Würzburg
    since 03/13 Vice Chair of the International Advisory Board BioTechMed, Graz, Austria
    since 06/13 Chair of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Addiction Research at the University of Würzburg
    03/15 - 07/18 Member of the BCI Society Governing Board
    since 01/15 Secretary of the Division of Biological Psychology and Neuropsychology of the DGPs
    10/15 - 09/21 Women's Representative of the Faculty of Human Sciences
    09/17 - 09/19 Deputy Women's Representative of the University of Würzburg
    since 06/19 Treasurer of the German Society for Behavioural Medicine and Behaviour Modification
    since 10/21 Deputy Women's Representative of the Faculty of Human Sciences, University of Würzburg
    since 10/21 Vice Dean of the Faculty of Human Sciences, University of Würzburg

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    Staying Abroad

    1999 + 2000 Research Assistant at the Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London (Supervisors: Dr. Rodney Croft and Prof. John Gruzelier).
    Research topic: Evoked potentials in chronic cannabis users).
    2001 - 2003 Postdoctoral Fellow am Department of Psychology and Institute of Neuroscience, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland (Supervisor: Dr. Hugh Garavan)
    Research topic: working memory and executive functions in healthy individuals and cocaine addicts using functional magnetic resonance imaging; specifically: attention and automation.
    2007 - 2008 Senior Lecturer am Clinical and Health Psychology Centre, School of Human and Life Sciences, Roehampton University, London, UK.
    2008 Reader in Biopsychology am Clinical and Health Psychology Centre, School of Human and Life Sciences, Roehampton University, London, UK.

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    External Funding

    10/02 - 09/07 Third Party Funder: National Institute of Health, USA
    Head of the Tübingen subproject within the Bioengineering Research Partnership "General purpose brain-computer interface (BCI) system".
    Subproject "Application of the clinical protocol to the communication and control needs of people with severe motor disabilities and demonstration of the long-term practical value of BCI technology." (Overall project manager: Prof. Jonathan Wolpaw, Wadsworth Center, New York State Department of Health, Albany, NY, USA)
    07/06 - 12/07 Third Party Funder: DAAD
    Investigations into the use of a brain-computer interface for speech disorders. Joint application with the Institute of Sound and Vibration Research, University Southampton.
    07/07 - 08/09 Third Party Funder: DFG
    Machine learning and conditioning to overcome BCI illiteracy. Project with Prof. Dr. Klaus Müller and Dr. Benjamin Blankertz, University of Potsdam and Fraunhofer FIRST, Berlin.
    12/07 - 07/08 Third Party Funder: School of Human and Life Sciences, Roehampton University, London
    Workshop on Sleep, Dreaming, and Consciousness held by Prof. J. Allan Hobson, Havard Medical School. Co-Investigator: Prof. Dr. Claus Vögele.
    12/07 - 07/08 Third Party Funder: School of Human and Life Sciences, Roehampton University, London
    Effects of emotional state on performance with an event-related potential based brain-computer interface (BCI). Co-Investigator: Prof. Dr. Claus Vögele.
    02/08 - 07/08 Third Party Funder: School of Human and Life Sciences, Roehampton University, London
    Peripheral psychophysiological predictors of communication with an event-related brain-computer interface (ERP-BCI). Co-Investigator: Prof. Dr. Claus Vögele.
    11/08 - 01/13 Third Party Funder: EU
    TOBI-Tools for brain-computer interaction. Large Scale Integrating Project (IP) within the 7th framework 2nd call. Projektkoordinator: Prof. Dr. José del R. Millàn, IDIAP Martigny, Switzerland.
    02/10 - 01/13 Third Party Funder: DFG
    DECODER - Deployment of Brain-Computer Interfaces for the Detection of Consciousness in Non-Responsive Patients.
    02/10 - 01/12 Third Party Funder: DFG
    Learning to overcome BDI illiteracy - follow-up application together with Prof. Klaus Müller and PD Dr. Benjamin Blankertz, TU Berlin.
    11/11 - 10/14 Third Party Funder: EU
    Project coordinator of the project "CONTRAST - An individually adaptable, BNCI-based, remote controlled Cognitive Enhancement Training for successful rehabilitation after stroke including home support and monitoring"
    01/12 - 08/15 Third Party Funder: EU
    BACKHOME - Brain-neural computer interfaces on track to home - Development of a practical generation of BNCI for independent home use
    03/13 - 02/16 Third Party Funder: DFG
    Efficacy of a multicomponent psychological intervention for children with insomnia - randomized controlled trial including 3 months follow-up. Kooperation mit Prof. Dr. Angelika Schlarb, Universität Bielefeld.
    11/13 - 04/15 Third Party Funder: EU
    BNCI Horizon 2020 - The Future of Brain/Neural Computer Interaction: Horizon 2020. Projektkoordinator: Prof. Müller-Putz, TU Graz, Österreich.
    10/16 - 02/17 Third Party Funder: Human Dynamics Center der Fakultät für Humanwissenschaften, Universität Würzburg
    BCI and movement control via tactual stimulation.
    11/18 - 02/21 Third Party Funder: Deutsche Rentenversicherung
    Non-organic sleep disorders: Indicative package for inpatient psychosomatic rehabilitation. Project together with Drs. Jana and Clemens Speth.
    09/19 - 08/20 Third Party Funder: Lotte-Schopper-Stiftung
    Development and evaluation of non-eye-movement based control of communication programs and improvement of their usability for patients in the so-called locked-in state. Project together with Prof. Dr. Thomas Giesler, TU Nuremberg.
    07/20 - 06/23 Third Party Funder: BMBF
    A broadly applicable therapy for chronic pain by combining virtual reality (VR) and brain-computer interfaces (BCI) - VirtualNoPain.

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    Awards and Scholarships

    1999 DigiGlobe - The Multimedia Prize awarded by Deutsche Telekom and Fokus, in the area of research and technology. Received for the project "Thoughts Control Computers.
    2000 Research Prize for Neuromuscular Diseases of the German Muscular Dystrophy Society donated by Aventis Pharma Deutschland GmbH for the development of a "Psychophysiological System and its Application Monitoring in Patients with Advanced ALS".
    08/2000 Travel Scholarship (DM 2000.-) of theASC (altered states of consciousness)-Forschungsverbund, Freiburg for a four-week research stay at the Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London, UK.
    09/03 + 08/04 Scholarships for a four-week language course at the "Università per Stranieri Dante Alighieri", Reggio Calabria, Italy.
    09/2005 Scholarship for an intensive French language course within the framework of the interregional European cooperation "Four Motors for Europe & Wales: PROGRAMME DE FORMATION LINGUISTIQUE « 4 MOTEURS POUR L’EUROPE » organisé par le Centre International d’Etudes Françaises (CIEF) de l’Université Lumière Lyon 2
    10/2005 Institute internal teaching award for the best evaluation result of the course Medical Psychology in the summer semester 2005.
    07/2021 Equal Opportunities Award of the University of Würzburg for commitment as Women's Representative of the Faculty of Human Sciences.

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    1994 - 1997 Member of the municipal council of the state capital Stuttgart.
    2000 - 2001 Student representative at the University of Tübingen for the subject Medical Psychology.
    2005 - 2007 Head of the party-political working group on higher education policy (Stuttgart).
    2006 - 2007 Representative for student teaching evaluation at the Institute of Medical Psychology, University of Tübingen.
    2006 - 2008 Member of the district executive committee in the Stuttgart district association of a political party.
    2007 Member of the state committee on science and research of a political party in the state of Baden-Württemberg.
    since 2019 1. chairwoman of the animal welfare association Hundehilfe Mariechen e.V. Würzburg

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    Research interests

    • Cortical slow potential and mu-rhythm neurofeedback (visual, auditory) as a communication tool for locked-in patients ("Thought Translation Device, BCI2000"). Event-related potentials (P300) for communication and diagnosis in locked-in states. Development of a flexible general purpose brain-computer interface (BCI) system that can incorporate any of the relevant signals, analyses, and operating formats and can be configured for laboratory or clinical needs and to use the system to compare, contrast, and combine relevant brain signals and signal processing options during BCI operation and thereby develop a standard protocol for applying BCI technology to the needs of individual users. The system is applied and documented to address specific communication needs of people with severe motor disabilities and show that BCI technology is both useful to and actually used by these individuals. Specifically, field studies at the home of potential end-users of BCI technology in the locked-in state.

    • Assessment of brain activity in different states of neurodegenerative disease during and definition of the “sine qua non” condition for BCI use. Identifying markers for successful BCI use.

    • Combining Virtual Reality and BCI based Neurofeedback for the treatment of chronic pain.

    • Assessment of depression, quality of life, and coping strategies in locked-in patients. Executive functioning in patients with neurodegenerative diseases. Ethical considerations on life sustaining treatment and the withdrawal thereof in non-responsive patients.

    • Mindfulness based interventions for patients with chronic disease, specifically those with chronic obstructive lung disease and pain. Construct validity and side effect of mindfulness.

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