Deutsch Intern
    Department of Psychology IV

    Helpful Addresses, Webpages and Ressources

    International Office
    The international office will help you with the formal stuff, application forms, housing and getting started at the university. Please contact the team for incoming students if you have questions about the stay in Würzburg and the application process. You can find lists with tutors there as well. The tutors will help you with getting everything running here.


    Department of Psychology
    Please contact the erasmus coordinator of the Department of Psychology, if you have questions on the study programme or if you are seeking contact with students from psychology:

    Dr. Marko Paelecke
    Phone: +49 931 31-83819
    Markusstr. 9-11, Room 319

    Dr. Gall is as well responsible for checking and signing Learning Agreements or helping you with organizing your study. As well, please have a look at the module catalogue when planning your courses.


    There is a signal group, where also all announcements of the Erasmus program of the institute are published in addition to the notifications that take place anyway by mail and on this page. You can also use the group for personal exchange among yourselves.



    Center for Languages
    The Center for Languages offers courses that help you to improve your German language skills.


    WueStudy (Course Portal of the University; Online Course Catalogue)
    The course catalogue gives you information on the available courses and modules and it is important to register for courses at the beginning of your stay. Please take a look at the module catalogue to get an overview over the modules and to have a list of the module names and abreviations. Additionally, there is a list of english courses.