Dr. Benedikt Seger

Phone: | +49 931 - 31 80816 |
E-mail: | benedikt.seger(at)uni-wuerzburg.de |
Address: | Röntgenring 10, room 325 |
Office hours: | by appointment |
- Ecological handprint and approval of pro-environmental policies: Scale construction, prediction, and intervention studies
- Role of psychological distance in the cognitive and affective reception of environmental communication
- Cognitive and affective processes involved in the debunking of misinformation
Peer-reviewed papers
Seger, B. T., Baghestani, F., & Nieding, G. (2024). Testing the dimensionality of environmental policy approval and its convergence with environmental attitude and pro-environmental behavior. Acta Psychologica, 104613. doi:10.1016/j.actpsy.2024.104613
Baghestani, F., Rißel, L., & Seger, B. T. (2023). Zustimmung zu umweltpolitischen Maßnahmen als Messinstrument für Umwelteinstellung und -verhalten: Hinweise auf ein eindimensionales und zeitgeschichtlich abhängiges Konstrukt. [Environmental policy approval as a measurement for environmental attitude and behavior: evidence for a one-dimensional and historically susceptible construct.] Umweltpsychologie, 27, 361-370.
Seger, B. T., Burkhardt, J., Straub, F., Scherz, S., & Nieding, G. (2023). Reducing the individual carbon impact of video streaming: a 7-week intervention using information, goal setting, and feedback. Journal of Consumer Policy, 46, 137-153. doi:10.1007/s10603-023-09536-9
Betz, A.-K., Seger, B. T. & Nieding, G. (2022). How can carbon labels and climate-friendly defaults contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions associated with dining? PLoS Climate, 1(5), e0000028. doi:10.1371/journal.pclm.0000028
Seger, B. T., Wannagat, W., & Nieding, G. (2021). Children's surface, textbase, and situation model representations of written and illustrated written text. Reading and Writing, 34, 1415-1440. doi:10.1007/s11145-020-10118-1
Seger, B. T., Hauf, J. E. K., & Nieding, G. (2020). Perceptual simulation of vertical object movement during comprehension of auditory and audiovisual text in children and adults. Discourse Processes, 57(5-6), 460-472. doi:10.1080/0163853X.2020.1755801
Hauf, J., Nieding, G., & Seger, B. T. (2020). The development of dynamic perceptual simulations during sentence comprehension. Cognitive Processing, 21, 197-208. doi:10.1007/s10339-020-00959-7
Seger, B. T., Wannagat, W., & Nieding, G. (2019). How pictures and picture animations contribute to multi-level mental representations of auditory text in 7-, 9-, and 11-year-old children. Journal of Cognition and Development, 20(4), 573-591. doi:10.1080/15248372.2019.1636799
Books and book chapters
Seger, B., Wullenkord, M., Hamann, K., Chokrai, P., & Landmann, H. (2021). Psychologie des sozial-ökologischen Wandels. Eine offene virtuelle Vorlesung. [Psychology of social-ecological change. An open virtual lecture.] In L. Dohm, F. Peter & K. van Bronswijk (Eds). Climate Action - Psychologie der Klimakrise [Psychology of Climate Crisis], 371-387. Psychosozial. doi:10.30820/9783837978018-371
Seger, B. T. (2021). Children’s Comprehension of Illustrated Narrative Text: The Role of Tripartite Representations and Perceptual Simulation. Doctoral Thesis, Universität Würzburg. urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-242280
Presentations and workshops
Seger, B. T., Wandernoth, M. J., Agirman, J., Schütz, J., & Nieding, G. (2023, June). Retrieval of misinformation prior to debunking: How does it affect the continued influence effect? Paper presented at 33th Annual Meeting of the Society for Text & Discourse, Oslo, Norway.
Seger, B. T. & Böcker, N. (2023, June). Reduce your footprint, increase your handprint: A group intervention for individual goal-directed action. Poster presented at the International Conference on Environmental Psychology, Aarhus, Denmark.
Seger, B. T. (2023, June). Welchen Beitrag kann Psychologie zu einer Transformation der Universität leisten? [How can psychology contribute to a sustainable transformation of the university?] Guest contribution to the interdisciplinary seminar System Change!?, University of Würzburg.
Seger, B. T. (2022, June). Was verbirgt sich hinter deinem Engagement? Eine Expedition in die Psychologie kollektiven Umweltschutzes. [What covers behind your engagement? An expedition to the psychology of collective environmental action.] Workshop at the Klimacamp Dresden, Technische Universität Dresden.
Seger, B. T. & Teigeler, J. (2022, May). Wie gewinne ich andere für den Klimaschutz? [How can I reach others for climate action?] Workshop at the Global Systems and Intercultural Competence program, Universität Würzburg.
Seger, B. T. (2022, January). Psychologie für individuellen und kollektiven Klimaschutz – eine Einführung. Presentation at the Lecture Series “Nachhaltigkeit und Globale Verantwortung” [Sustainability and Global Responsibility], Universität Würzburg.
Seger, B. T. (2022, January). Psychologie für individuellen und kollektiven Klimaschutz – eine Einführung. Presentation at the Lecture Series “Communicate Climate!”, Technische Universität Dresden
Seger, B. T. & Nieding, G. (2021, July). Development of Narrative Processing within the Framework of the Tripartite Model and Embodied Cognition. Hot topic sessions at the “Würzburg Summer Module Course: How Stories Affect our Lives: The Psychology of Narrative Impact (SALON)”.
Seger, B. T. (2019, October). Mit Psychologie die Welt retten? [Save the World Using Psychology?] Presentation at the “1st Climate Slam”, Universität Würzburg.
Seger, B. T. & Nieding, G. (2019, September). Aufbau von Repräsentationen beim Lesen narrativer und illustrierter narrativer Texte: eine Studie mit 7- bis 13-jährigen Kindern. [Readers’ representations of narrative and illustrated narrative text: A study with 7- to 13-year-old children.] Poster presented at PAEPSY 2019, Leipzig, Germany.
Seger, B. T., Hauf, J. & Nieding, G. (2019, July). Perceptual simulation of vertical object movements in children aged between 5 and 11 and adults: A comparison between auditory and audiovisual narrative text. Paper presented at 29th Annual Meeting of the Society for Text & Discourse, New York City, USA.
Seger, B. T. (2019, February). Umweltpsychologie in der Praxis: Umsetzung im Alltag und an der Uni. [Environmental psychology in action: Implementation in everyday life and at the university.] Keynote presentation at the Fachschaftsinitiative Psychologie [Psychology Student Association], Universität Würzburg.
Seger, B. T. (2018, October). Psychologie im Umweltschutz – was hindert Menschen daran, anders zu handeln, was motiviert? [Psychology for environmental conservation – what does inhibit people to act differently and what does motivate them?] Keynote presentation at the “1st Plastic Summer School”, Universität Würzburg.
Seger, B. T., Wannagat, W., & Nieding, G. (2018, July). How Do Static and Animated Pictures Contribute to Multi-level Mental Representations of Auditory Text in Basic School Students? Poster presented at the 28th Annual Meeting of the Society for Text & Discourse, Brighton, UK.
Diergarten, A. K., Hauf, J., Nieding, G., & Seger, B. T. (2018, July). Current Issues of Discourse Processing: General and Developmental Findings. Hot topic sessions at the “Würzburg Summer School on Reading and Learning in the Digital World (READI)”.
Education | |
2021-04 | PhD, University of Würzburg: |
2015-09 | M.Sc. Psychology with major in Environmental Psychology & Human-Technology Interaction (1.3/very good) |
2013-09 | B.Sc. Psychology (1.4/very good), University of Magdeburg |
2009-03 | A-Levels (Abitur, 1.3/AAA), Bad Kreuznach, Germany |
Research experience | |
since 2021 | Postdoctoral Research Scientist, Developmental Psychology |
2015-2021 | PhD Research, Developmental Psychology Department, |
Teaching experience | |
since 2015 | Lecturer, Developmental Psychology Department, University of Würzburg |
2017-2021 | Lecturer, Media Literacy Center, University of Würzburg |
2012-2015 | Tutor in Statistics, Psychological Institute, University of Magdeburg |
Additional training | |
2018-07 | Workshop on linear modelling in R |
2018-01 | Certificate Teaching at Bavarian Universities – Advanced, ProfiLehre (Professional Teaching), University of Würzburg |
2017-10 | Service Learning: Good Learning – Good Practice, Akademie Bildung durch Verantwortung (Education by Responsibility Network), University of Kassel |
Peer review activities | |
Reading & Writing (since 2021) |