- Announcements
- Research
- Teaching
- Prof. Dr. Tobias Richter
- PD Dr. Johanna Abendroth (geb. Maier)
- Elke Ackermann
- Emily Buchner
- Dr. Darius Endlich
- Johanna Grimm
- Dr. Janina Heß
- Marina Klimovich
- Marieke Klöppel
- Dr. Elif Krause
- Dr. Anand Krishna
- Dr. Veit Kubik
- Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Lenhard
- Jun.-Prof. Dr. Jan Lenhart
- Dr. Nicole von der Linden
- Heike Marschhäußer
- Prof. Dr. Peter Marx
- Prof. Dr. Eva Michel
- Dr. Bettina Müller
- Dr. Hannes Münchow
- Christine Pharo
- Lisa Pilotek
- Michaela Pirkner
- Dr. Julia Schindler
- PD Dr. Sandra Schmiedeler
- Julia Schwerin
- Dr. Catharina Tibken
- Dr. Lena Wimmer
- Lecturers
- Auslandsstudium
- Wissenstransfer: Forschung für die Gesellschaft
FOR 5254
- Start
- News
- Aims & Scope
Research Projects
- Coordination Team
- Lasting learning in physics by constructive retrieval
- Combining spacing with worked examples
- Enhancing generative drawing through retrieval practice
- Fostering inquiry-based learning
- Guided discovery, interleaved study, and cooperative learning
- Interleaved learning with verbal materials
- Learning subtraction strategies with interleaved practice
- Testing effect and the complexity of the learning material
- Team
- FOS Conference 2025 on Theory Development and Open Science
- Online Workshop on Moderation and Mediation Analysis with R (Prof. Dr. Johannes Naumann)
- 5th Würzburg meeting of the DFG Research Unit FOR 5254
- 3. Meeting of the DFG-Research Group "Lasting Learning"
- Würzburg International Autumn School on Lasting Learning 2023
- Open Science Workshop
- Publications
- Contact