Deutsch Intern
Department of Psychology II - Social psychology

Jonas Ludwig

Postdoctoral Researcher

Ludwig, J., Jaudas, A., & Achtziger, A. (2020). The role of motivation and volition in economic decisions: Evidence from eye movements and pupillometry. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 33(2), 180?195.

Ludwig, J., Ahrens, F. K., & Achtziger, A. (2020). Errors, fast and slow: An analysis of response times in probability judgments. Thinking & Reasoning.

Ludwig, J., Reisenzein, R., & Hiemisch, A. (2020). Effects of instrumentality and personal force on deontological and utilitarian inclinations in harm-related moral dilemmas. Frontiers in Psychology, 11.

- Judgment and decision making in moral dilemmas

- Motivation and volition in economic decisions

- Action effect learning and multitasking