Soziale Kognition
In diesem Bereich interessieren wir uns vor allem dafür, wie Blickkontakt die menschliche Aufmerksamkeit und Wahrnehmung beeinflusst. Dabei geht es z.B. um die Integration dieses starken sozialen Reizes mit anderen relevanten Informationen, um die Rolle von direktem Blickkontakt in komplexeren sozialen Situationen und darum, welche Veränderungen sich in der Verarbeitung von direktem Blickkontakt bei psychischen Störungen zeigen. Neben behavioralen Experimenten nutzen wir Eye-Tracking und bildgebende Verfahren, um den Einfluss von Blickverhalten und die zeitliche Dynamik von Blickverarbeitung zu untersuchen.
Hier finden Sie Details zur Emmy Noether-Gruppe "More than meets the eye" unter der Leitung von Jun.-Prof. Dr. Anne Böckler-Raettig.
Copyright note: Please note that the provided documents are made available for non-commercial dissemination of scholarly work for study purposes only. Users should be aware that the terms of the copyright owners apply.
Böckler-Raettig (2019). Theory of Mind. München: Ernst Reinhardt.
Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals
Riechelmann, E., Gamer, M., Böckler, A., & Huestegge, L. (in press). How ubiquitous is the direct gaze advantage? Evidence for an averted gaze advantage in a gaze discrimination task. Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics.
Breil, C. & Böckler, A. (2020). The lens shapes the view: On task dependency in ToM research. Current Behavioral Neuroscience Reports. doi: 0.1007/s40473-020-00205-6
Rubo, M., Huestegge, L., & Gamer, M. (2020). Social anxiety modulates visual exploration in real life – but not in the laboratory. British Journal of Psychology, 111, 233-245.
Tholen, M. G., Trautwein, F. M., Böckler, A., Singer, T., & Kanske, P. (2020). Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) item analysis of empathy and theory of mind. Human Brain Mapping. doi: 10.1002/hbm.24966
Trautwein, F.-M., Kanske, P., Böckler, A., & Singer, T. (2020). Differential benefits of mental training types for attention, compassion, and theory of mind. Cognition, 194, 104039. doi: 10.1016/j.cognition.2019.104039
Böckler, A. (2019). Why we share our cookies: Prosocial behavior from a psychological perspective. Anthropologischer Anzeiger; Bericht über die biologisch-anthropologische Literatur.
Riechelmann, E., Raettig, T., Böckler, A., & Huestegge, L. (2019). Gaze interaction: Anticipation-based control of the gaze of others. Psychological Research, 1-20.
Lehmann, K., Maliske, L., Böckler, A., & Kanske, P. (2019). Social impairments in mental disorders: Recent developments in studying the mechanisms of interactive behavior. Clinical Psychology in Europe, 1(2), 1-15.
Götz, F., Böckler, A., & Eder, A. (2019). Low numbers from a low head? Effects of observed head orientation on numerical cognition. Psychological research, 1-14.
Huestegge, S. M., Raettig, T., & Huestegge, L. (2019). Are face-incongruent voices harder to process? Effects of face-voice gender incongruency on basic cognitive information processing. Experimental Psychology, 66, 154-164.
Riechelmann*, E., Weller*, L., Huestegge, L., Böckler, A., & Pfister, R. (2019). Revisiting intersubjective action-effect binding: No evidence for social moderators. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 81(6), 1991–2002. doi:10.3758/s13414-019-01715-6
* contributed equally
Kotter, R., Kräplin, A., Pittig, A., & Bühringer, G. (in press). Gambling problems seldom come alone: Prevalence and temporal relationships of mental health problems in casino excluders. International Gambling Studies. doi:10.1080/14459795.2019.1575451
Steinborn, M. B., & Huestegge, L. (2019). Socially alerted cognition evoked by a confederate’s mere presence: Analysis of reaction-time distributions and delta plots. Psychological Research. doi:10.1007/s00426-019-01143-z pdf
Bühringer, G., Kotter, R., Czernecka, R., & Kräplin, A. (2018). Beyond Reno II: Who cares for vulnerable gamblers? SUCHT, 64(5-6), 325–334. doi:10.1024/0939-5911/a000566
Böckler, A., Tusche, A., Schmidt, P., & Singer, T. (2018). Distinct mental trainings differentially enhance altruistically motivated, norm motivated, and self-reported prosocial behaviour. Scientific Reports, 8(1), 13560.
Grossheinrich, N., Firk, C., Schulte-Rüther, M., von Leupoldt, A., Konrad, K., & Huestegge, L. (2018). Looking while unhappy: A mood-congruent attention bias toward sad adult faces in children. Frontiers Psychology, 9:2577. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02577
Lumma, A. L., Valk, S., Böckler, A., Vrticka, P., & Singer, T. (2018). Change in emotional self-concept following socio-cognitive training relates to structural plasticity of the prefrontal cortex. Brain and Behavior, 8(4). pdf
van der Wel, R., Welsh, T., & Böckler, A. (2018). Talking heads or talking eyes? Effects of head orientation and sudden onset gaze cues on attention capture. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 1-6. pdf
Pittig, A., Kotter, R., & Hoyer, J. (2018). What makes behavioral therapists struggle with exposure? Self-reported practicability, negative beliefs, and therapist distress about exposure-based interventions. Behavior Therapy.
Kotter, R., Kräplin, A., Pittig, A., & Bühringer, G. (2018). A systematic review of land‑based self‑exclusion programs: Demographics, gambling behavior, gambling problems, mental symptoms, and mental health. Journal of Gambling Studies. doi: 10.1007/s10899‑018‑9777‑8
Valk, S. L., Bernhardt, B. C., Trautwein, F. M., Böckler, A., & Kanske, P., Guizard, N., ... & Singer, T. (2017). Structural plasticity of the social brain: Differential change after socio-affective and cognitive mental training. Science Advances, 3(10), e1700489. pdf
Böckler*, A., Herrmann*, L., Trautwein, F.-M., Holmes, T. & Singer, T. (2017). Know thy Selves: Learning to understand oneself increases the ability to understand others. Journal of Cognitive Enhancement, 1-13. pdf
* contributed equally
Böckler*, A., Sharifi*, M., Kanske, P., Dziobek, I., & Singer, T. (2017). Social decision making in narcissism: Reduced generosity and increased retaliation are driven by alterations in perspective-taking and anger. Personality and Individual Differences, 104, 1-7. pdf
* contributed equally
Lumma, A.-L., Böckler, A., Vrticka, P., & Singer, T. (2017). Who am I? Differential effects of three contemplative mental trainings on emotional word use in self-descriptions. Self and Identity, 16(5), 607–628. pdf
Kotter, R., Kräplin, A., & Bühringer, G. (2017). Casino self- and forced excluders’ gambling behavior before and after exclusion. Journal of Gambling Studies, 34(2), 597–615. doi: 10.1007/s10899‑017‑9732‑0
Huestegge, L., & Böckler, A. (2016). Out of the corner of the driver's eye: Peripheral processing of hazards in static traffic scenes. Journal of Vision, 16(2), 11-11. pdf
Molenberghs, P., Trautwein, F.-M., Böckler, A., Singer, T., & Kanske, P. (2016). Neural correlates of metacognitive ability and of feeling confident: A large scale fMRI study. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, nsw093. pdf
Bornemann, B., Kok, B. E., Böckler, A., & Singer, T. (2016). Helping from the heart: Voluntary up-regulation of heart rate variability predicts altruistic behavior. Biological Psychology, 119, 54-63. pdf
Böckler*, A., Kanske*, P., Trautwein, F. M., Lesemann, F. H. P., & Singer, T. (2016). Are strong empathizers better mentalizers? Evidence for independence and interaction between the routes of social cognition. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, nsw052. pdf
* contributed equally
Valk, S., Bernhardt, B., Böckler, A., Kanske, P., & Singer, T. (2016). Substrates of metacognition on perception and metacognition on higher-order cognition relate to different subsystems of the mentalizing network. Human Brain Mapping, 37(10), 3388-3399. pdf
Tusche, A., Böckler, A., Kanske, P., Trautwein, F.-M., & Singer, T. (2016). Decoding the charitable brain: Empathy, perspective taking and attention shifts differentially predict altruistic giving. The Journal of Neuroscience, 36, 4719-4732. pdf
Böckler, A., Tusche, A., & Singer, T. (2016). The structure of human prosociality: Differentiating altruistically motivated, norm motivated, strategically motivated and self-reported prosocial behavior. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 7(6), 530-541. pdf
Valk, S.L., Bernhardt, B., Böckler, A., Trautwein, F.-M., Kanske, P., & Singer, T. (2016). Socio-cognitive phenotypes differentially modulate large-scale structural covariance networks. Cerebral Cortex, bhv319. pdf
Böckler, A., van der Wel, R., & Welsh, T. (2015). Eyes only? Perceiving eye contact is neither sufficient nor necessary for attentional capture by face direction. Acta Psychologica, 160, 134-140. pdf
Böckler*, A., Kanske*, P., Trautwein*, F.-M., & Singer, T. (2015). Dissecting the social brain: Introducing the EmpaToM to reveal distinct neural networks and brain-behavior relations for empathy and Theory of Mind. NeuroImage, 122, 6-19. pdf
* contributed equally
Böckler, A., Eskenazi, T., Sebanz, N., & Rueschemeyer, S.-A. (2015). (How) observed eye-contact modulates gaze following. An fMRI study. Cognitive Neuroscience, 7(1-4), 55-66. pdf
Böckler, A., Timmermans, B., Sebanz, N., Vogeley, K., & Schilbach, L. (2014). Effects of observing eye contact on gaze following in high-functioning autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 44(7), 1651-1658. pdf
Böckler, A., Hömke, P., & Sebanz, N. (2014). Invisible man: Exclusion from shared attention affects gaze behavior and self-reports. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 5(2), 140-148. pdf
Böckler, A., van der Wel, R. P. R. D., & Welsh, T. N. (2014). Catching eyes: Effects of social and nonsocial cues on attention capture. Psychological Science, 25(3), 720-727. pdf
Böckler, A., & Zwickel, J. (2013). Influences of spontaneous perspective taking on spatial and identity processing of faces. Social, Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 8(7), 735-740. pdf
Böckler, A., & Sebanz, N. (2012). A co-actor’s focus of attention affects attention allocation and stimulus processing: An EEG study. Social Neuroscience, 7(6), 565-577. pdf
Böckler, A., Knoblich, G., & Sebanz, N. (2012). Effects of a coactor’s focus of attention on task performance. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 38(6), 1404-1415. pdf
Böckler, A., Alpay, G., & Stürmer, B. (2011). Accessory stimuli affect prerequisites of conflict, not conflict control: A Simon-task ERP study. Experimental Psychology, 58(2), 102-109. pdf
Böckler, A., Knoblich, G., & Sebanz, N. (2011). Observing shared attention modulates gaze following. Cognition, 120(2), 292-298. pdf
Böckler, A., Knoblich, G., & Sebanz, N. (2011). Giving a helping hand: Effects of joint attention on mental rotation of body parts. Experimental Brain Research, 211(3-4), 531-545. pdf
Book Chapters
Böckler, A., Sebanz, N., Wilkinson, A., & Huber, L. (2017). Solving social coordination problems: From ants to apes. In S. Shepherd (Ed.), The Handbook of Evolutionary Neuroscience. New York: Rockefeller
Bühringer, G., Kotter, R., & Kräplin, A. (2017). Ätiologie von Glücksspielstörungen – Implikationen für den Verbraucherschutz. In J. Krüper (Ed.), Zertifizierung und Akkreditierung als Instrumente qualitativer Glücksspielregulierung (pp. 35–57). Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
Kanske*, P., Böckler*, A., & Singer, T. (2015). Models, mechanisms and moderators dissociating empathy and Theory of Mind. In M. Wöhr, & S. Krach (Eds.), Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences – Social Behavior from Rodents to Humans: Neural Foundations and Clinical Implications. pdf
* shared first authors
Böckler, A., & Sebanz, N. (2013). Linking joint attention and joint action. In H. S. Terrace, & J. Metcalfe (Eds.), Agency and joint attention. (pp. 206-215). New York: Oxford University Press.
Böckler, A., Knoblich, G., & Sebanz, N. (2010). Socializing Cognition. In B. Glatzeder, V. Goel, & A. Mueller (Eds.), Perspectives on Thinking. Heidelberg: Springer.