Getting in touch with other students

Once, you come here, the university will help you on different levels to get in touch with students from Würzburg:
- The tutors of the international office will help you after your arrival to accommodate to living in Germany.
- You can participate in the "Buddy programme" of the institute of psychology. In case, you are interested, German students of psychology will be your Buddy during your stay, which means they will help you in getting along, find contacts, visit parties and other social events and so on. Please leave us a message if you would like to get in contact.
- There is the Würzburg International Network, a student organization that is planning events and promotes understanding and contact between international students and students from Würzburg. They are looking forward to get in touch with you.
- As an exchange possibility there is a signal group, where also all announcements of the Erasmus program of the institute are published in addition to the notifications that take place anyway by mail and on this page. You can also use the group for personal exchange among yourselves.
To sum it up: No need to feel lonely!