5th Würzburg meeting of the DFG Research Unit FOR 5254
The 5th meeting of the DFG Research Unit 'Lasting Learning: Cognitive Mechanisms and Effective Instructional Implementation' (FOR 5254) took place at the Department of Psychology IV at the University of Würzburg. In a review of the past six months, major research activities such as numerous symposia, presentations at national and international conferences, the publication of special issues and awards were presented. Research visits and participation in international workshops were also discussed.
In new format of interactive lightning rounds and poster sessions, the doctoral students and postdoc presented and discussed the results of current and future projects. Relatedly, we planned the upcoming replication studies.
Particular attention was also given to the writing of a theory article on the potential benefits of desirable difficulties and/or generative learning strategies on lasting learning and relatedly the theoretical discussion of both notions. Another major talking point were next steps of the follow-up application for the second funding phase.
The coordinating team of the DFG research group consists of Dr. Veit Kubik, Prof. Dr. Mirjam Ebersbach and Prof. Dr. Tobias Richter. Further information on the publications and projects of the individual research groups can be found here.