FOS Conference 2025 on Theory Development and Open Science
We are pleased to announce the Freiburg Open Science Conference (FOS), which will take place May 15th and 16th, hosted by the institute of Psychology at the University of Freiburg. This year’s conference is organized by Dwayne Lieck, Dr. Tino Endres & Prof. Andrea Kiesel (University of Freiburg) and co-organized by Prof. Tobias Richter and Dr. Veit Kubik (Department Psychology IV, University of Würzburg, coordination team of the DFG research group FOR 5254). The conference will focus on Theory Development and how it intersects with Open Science.
The following four speakers have been invited:
- Prof. Daniel Lakens (Technical University Eindhoven, Netherlands)
- Dr. Priya Silverstein (Ashland University & Psychological Science Accelerator, USA)
- Freek Oude Maatman (University of Groningen & Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands)
- Sajedeh Rasti (Technical University Eindhoven, Netherlands)
Moreover, three guest speakers from the University of Freiburg, Germany will attend the conference:
- Prof. Andrea Kiesel
- Prof. Alexander Renkl
- Dr. Andre Assfalg
In addition to the talks, there will also be a panel discussion and a poster session, open to contributions from all. The deadline for registration is March 31st, 2025. Detailed information on the poster submission guidelines can be found on the official conference website.
If you have any questions, please contact Dwayne Lieck.
We look forward to your participation and to a productive discission on Open Science and Theory Development.