Würzburg International Autumn School on Lasting Learning 2023
Click here to view the program booklet.

How should learning and instruction be designed to create lasting knowledge? What are the cognitive processes that underlie the acquisition of knowledge that can be retained for a long time and retrieved when needed? These questions are important for educational practitioners, but they are also important research topics for psychology and the learning sciences at large. Two strands of research have addressed cognitive mechanisms of lasting learning, generative (meaningful) learning and the approach of desirable difficulties in learning.
The Würzburg International Autumn School on Lasting Learning brings together these two perspectives on lasting learning, offering a unique learning environment and platform for scientific exchange for doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers from psychology, education, and the learning sciences who are working on the topic of lasting learning. The autumn school will be held October 9-13, 2023 at the University of Würzburg, Germany.
Keynote lectures as well as in-depth hot-topic sessions and methodological workshops will be offered by leading experts in the field to enhance participants’ knowledge and methodological skills. We aim to connect doctoral students working in the field with renowned researchers and to provide an open and friendly environment for discussion and scientific exchange. Doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers from around the world are invited to participate. All lectures and courses will be held in English, which will be the common language of the autumn school.
The Würzburg International Autumn School on Lasting Learning is organized and funded by the DFG Research Unit “Lasting learning: Cognitive mechanisms and instructional implementations” (FOR 5254), which involves eight research groups in Germany, investigating lasting learning through spacing, interleaving, retrieval practice, and generative learning in schools and other educational contexts.
We look forward to your application and to eventually welcoming you in Würzburg this fall!