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    Lehrstuhl für Psychologie IV - Pädagogische Psychologie

    Publikationen von Hannes Münchow


    Wertgen, A., Münchow, H., Richter, T. & Tiffin-Richards, S. (2025). Lasting benefits of a web-based training in understanding informal arguments. European Journal of the Psychology of Education, 40(36), 1-26https://doi.org/10.1007/s10212-024-00930-6 (open access)

    Münchow, H., Tiffin-Richards, S. P., Fleischmann, L. , Pieschl, S., & Richter, T. (2023). Promoting students’ argument comprehension and evaluation skills: Implementation of two training interventions in higher education. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11618-023-01147-x

    Münchow, H. (2021). Nicht nur lesen, sondern verstehen? Epistemische Kompetenzen im Umgang mit wissenschaftlicher Literatur. In M. Fuhrmann, J. Güdler, P. Pohlenz & U. Schmidt (Hrsg.) Handbuch Qualität in Studium, Lehre und Forschung, 77, 1-26. DUZ Verlags- und Medienhaus GmbH 

    Münchow, H., Richter, T., & Schmid, S. (2020). What does it take to deal with academic literature? Epistemic components of scientific literacy. In O. Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, H. A. Pant, M. Toepper & C. Lautenbach (Eds.). Student learning in German higher education: Innovative modelling and measurement approaches and research results (pp. 241-260) . Springer. [preprint]

    Richter, T., Münchow, H., & Abendroth, J. (2020). The role of validation in integrating multiple perspectives. In P. Van Meter, A. List, D. Lombardi, & P. Kendeou (Eds.). Handbook of learning from multiple representations and perspectives (pp. 259-276). New York, NY: Routledge. [preprint]

    Münchow, H., Richter, T., von der Mühlen, S., Schmid, S., Bruns, K., & Berthold, K. (2020). Verstehen von Argumenten in wissenschaftlichen Texten: Reliabilität und Validität des Argumentstrukturtests (AST). Diagnostica, 66, 136-145.  https://doi.org/10.1026/0012-1924/a000225 [preprint]

    Münchow, H., Richter, T., von der Mühlen, S., & Schmid, S. (2019). The ability to evaluate arguments in scientific texts: Measurement, cognitive processes, nomological network and relevance for academic success at the university. British Journal of Educational Psychology,89, 502-523.  https://doi.org/10.1111/bjep.12298 [preprint]

    Münchow, H. & Bannert, M. (2018). Feeling Good, Learning Better? Effectivity of an Emotional Design Procedure in Multimedia Learning. Educational Psychology. DOI: 10.1080/01443410.2018.1524852

    Münchow, H., Mengelkamp, C., & Bannert, M. (2017). The better you feel the better you learn -  Do warm colours and rounded shapes enhance learning outcome in multimedia learning? Education Research International, 2017, 1-15. doi:10.1155/2017/2148139

    Münchow, H. (2016). I feel, therefore I learn – Effectiveness of affect induction interventions and possible covariates on learning outcomes. Dissertation, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg. [online]

    Münchow, H. (2016). Wie man sich fühlt, so lernt man - Der Einfluss von Emotionen auf Lernprozess und Lernerfolg. Das In-Mind Magazin, 1. Online verfügbar unter http://de.in-mind.org/article/wie-man-sich-fuehlt-so-lernt-man-der-einfluss-von-emotionen-auf-lernprozess-und-lernerfolg

    Pfeiffer, J. P., Pinquart, M., & Münchow, H. (2012). School type differences in attainment of developmental goals in students with visual impairment and sighted peers. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 27(3), 389-402.


    Münchow, H., Tiffin-Richards, S. P., Fleischmann, L. , Pieschl, S., & Richter, T. (September, 2022). Förderung des Argumentverstehens und der Argumentbewertung bei Studierenden: Implementierung zweier Trainingsmaßnahmen in die Hochschullehre. Paper presented at the 52. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs), Hildesheim.

    Münchow, H., Fleischmann, L., & Richter, T. (2021, September). Digitale Förderung epistemischer Kompetenzen beim Lesen wissenschaftlicher Texte. Paper presented at the Tagung der Fachgruppe Pädagogische Psychologie (PAEPSY), Heidelberg.

    Münchow, H., & Wild, K.-P. (November, 2019). Erfassung und Förderung von Scientific Literacy bei Studieneinsteigerinnen und Studieneinsteigern. Vortrag auf der BMBF-Fachtagung „Eingangstests unter der Lupe – Studienbeginn begleiten, Hochschulerfolg erhöhen“, Berlin, Deutschland.

    Münchow, H., Richter, T., & Schmid, S. (August, 2019). Fostering the Comprehension and Evaluation of Informal Scientific Arguments: Results of Two Training Interventions. Paper presented at the 18th Biennial EARLI Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, Aachen, Germany.

    Münchow, H., Richter, T., & Schmid, S. (Juli, 2019). Fostering University Students Skills in Decoding the Functional Structure of Informal Arguments. Paper presented at the 29th Annual Meeting of the Society for Text & Discourse (ST&D), New York, USA.

    Münchow, H., Richter, T., & Schmid, S. (April, 2019). Judging the plausibility of informal arguments: An eye-tracking approach to identify different processing strategies during reading. Poster präsentiert auf der Tagung Experimentell Arbeitender Psychologen (TEAP) 2019, London, UK.

    Münchow, H. & Richter, T. (November, 2018). Recognizing argument components as a prerequisite for scientific literacy: Results of a training study. Poster presented at the Multiple Documents Literacy Workshop 2018, Bochum, Germany.

    Münchow, H., Richter, T. & Schmid, S. (September, 2018). Identifikation strategischer Verarbeitungsprozesse beim Lesen von wissenschaftlichen Texten mithilfe von Eye-Tracking. Paper presented at the 51. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs), Frankfurt.

    Münchow, H., Richter, T., & Schmid, S. (Juli, 2018). Assessing strategies for evaluating the plausibility of scientific arguments: An eye tracking study. Paper presented at the 28th Annual Meeting of the Society for Text & Discourse (ST&D), Brighton.

    Münchow, H. & Richter, T. (November, 2017). Fostering students’ scientific literacy: Development of an epistemic-heuristic training for identifying reliable scientific information. Poster presented at the Multiple Documents Literacy Workshop 2017, Tübingen, Germany.

    Münchow, H., Sonnenberg, C., & Bannert, M. (August, 2017). Is confusion leading to frustration or engagement? An emote-aloud study on achievement emotions. Paper presented at the 17th Biennial EARLI Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, Tampere, Finland.

    Münchow, H., Richter, T., & Schmid, S. (März, 2017). Das Argument zählt! Messung von Strategien zur Evaluation wissenschaftlicher Ar-gumente mithilfe von Eye-Tracking. Paper presented at the 5. Tagung der Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung, Heidelberg, Germany.

    Münchow, H. & Bannert, M. (August, 2016). The role of affective states before learning on an emotional design paradigm. Paper presented at the International Conference on Motivation 2016, Thessaloniki, Greece.

    Münchow, H., Mengelkamp, C., & Bannert, M. (August, 2015). Enhancing learning outcome by inducing positive affect through the learning material. In H. Münchow & M. Bannert (Organizers & Chairs). Activity Related Achievement Emotions and Learning Outcome. Paper presented at the 16th Biennial EARLI Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, Limassol, Cyprus. Supported by DAAD travel grants.

    Münchow, H., Mengelkamp, C., & Bannert, M. (September, 2014). Verbesserung des hypermedialen Lernens durch die Induktion von positivem Affekt und Erhöhung der Selbstaufmerksamkeit. Paper presented at the 49. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs), Bochum, Germany.

    Münchow, H., Mengelkamp, C., & Bannert, M. (September, 2014). Emote-aloud beim hypermedialen Lernen zur online-Messung von Leistungsemotionen. Poster presented at the 49. Kon-gress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs), Bochum, Germany.

    Münchow, H., Mengelkamp, C., & Bannert, M. (April, 2013). The better you feel the better you learn - Positive emotions as a facilitator of performance in hypermedia learning. Paper presented at the 8th Conference of the Media Psychology Division, Würzburg, Germany.

    Münchow, H., Kauff, M. & Asbrock, F. (Juli, 2012). Bayern breaks the rank - Stereotypes of the 18 Bundesliga-teams. Paper presented at the 4th Biennial Conference on the Economics and Psychology of Football. Heidelberg, Germany.